Restricted Prophecies

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Ive been a bit sick and preoccupied with life. I'm sorry. Here's a short chapter for you. Keep reading and pass it on. 


It was early. The library had just opened and Severus had been waiting there all night. Madam Prince had let him in the restricted section quickly then went to do whatever she does. Severus looked around, hardly knowing where to start. Possibly in the Connections Section. Dark Ways to Listen? Yes, possibly. "Professor Snape?" 

He had gotten lost in empty thoughts when he heard her voice. Then a second voice belonging to Madam Prince. "No, not without a note."

"He's right there. He told me to meet him here. We're doing special research on potions for my NEWTS."

She looked at Hermione with confusion. "Darling, NEWTS is for 7th years. You're in sixth year."

Hermione looked at the librarian with a look that could kill. "Yes, which means every minute that I am standing here and not in there learning is a minute I might fail my NEWTS."

Madam Prince sighed, then looked back at me. I nodded. She waved Hermione in who thanked her and smiled at me subtly. I nodded good bye to Madam Prince and lead Hermione to a table in the back. He showed her the first book he found. She nodded and sat to read it. This seems like a promising lead. I hope he doesn't mind me reading this. He went to skim and scan more books. 

Minding Your Own Business. Advance Mind Reading. Seer of the Mind. Legillimency and other Connections. Every single book he thought would work seemed to lead to a failed end. Some connections said her mind was open too much, others say its the mutual attraction and no physical connection that links them. Some say its simply the connection of fate. Nothing to prove to them the reason of their connection. 

"This is unbelievable." He slammed the book closed. "There is nothing in here."

Hermione had been reading this one book that didn't seem like it was in their lane at all. It was about Divination and Prophecy, something he knew by her thoughts of certain parts of the book, she hated. "Here's something. 'Mind connections lead to closing in on a prophecy that is unknown to the people. Many think its a simple Occlemency and Legillimency connection when their prophecy is closing, meaning they are nearing to letting it come true.' Perhaps there is a prophecy in the Hall for us."

He thought deeply. He knew the prophecy of the Dark Lord and Potter, which was the only one he ever heard. He also knew that Trelawny had given that one. He didn't know how to make her restate a prophecy if she gave this one also. If there is one. 

There was only one thing to actually do. To go to her tower and talk with her. He groaned as he looked at Hermione. She had been listening and put her head in her hands. "No, please." There wasn't another way. It had to be her. She was a great Seer even if she didn't know it. He motioned for them to put the books back and they left the restricted Section. They had to go to the Divination Tower. "Thank you, Madam Prince." Hermione waved at her as they left the Library. 

As they quickly made their way up to the tower, they passed by students who gawked at them and giggled. They thought Hermione had gotten into so much trouble, which is the look Severus was going for. It was less to explain to everyone, student and staff. 

Hermione hated the tower, and Professor Trelawney has made it very plain that Hermione didn't have the right stuff to even try to persue the art of Divination. Nevertheless, here she was, with Severus, trying to figure out about a prophecy that may or may not be true. Or even exist. The heat hit Severus like a hammer in the face. He was so used to the cold dungeons that he didn't know how the thin crazy lady could stand it. 

"Sybil, I have a question for you. Miss Granger and I would like to know if you know anything about a prophecy about us at all." Severus stood back as Trelawney knocked into her table by the fire. 

Her big eyes laid on him. "Severus, of course I can't bring prophecies out of thin air." She scoffed and went to get some tea leaves for herself. She grabbed a pink teacup and her tea leaves and went to prepare her tea. Hermione rolled her eyes next to Severus. 

Obviously Hermione hated being in this place. Hermione opened her mouth to say something, when Trelawney gasped and her pink teacup shattered to the floor. Her tea leaves flew into the fire as she leaned against the side of the fireplace. "Darkness meets light. Fire and Ice melt into one to save the heart that rots." 

Her voice sounded like many men talking all at once. It sent chills down Severus' spine. Hermione had cocked her head to the side as she heard it. Trelawney shuddered and then looked around. "Oh, dear, I must have stumbled. Shame. I liked that cup." She didn't seem to know what she had said, or remembered that they were there. Hermione and Severus exchanged a look then crept out to the dungeons where they pondered over what was said. 

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