Secret Lovers

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*Sexual content ahead*

Hermione woke in a strangely yet familiar room. She briefly wondered what time it was when Ginny and Severus entered, startling her severely. "Hey, feeling better Hermione?" Ginny asked casually as if she and Severus hung out every single day. Hermione stuttered as Severus sat on his bed beside her, placing a hand on her leg gently. 

"Hermione, Miss Weasley and I were talking about how things are going and decided that she should learn Occlemency to shield her mind as well. However, we would like your opinion." Severus stated. 

From behind Severus, Ginny was shaking her head harshly, eyes wide with pleading. Hermione stifled a laugh, disguising it as a cough. Severus, though, knew something was amiss, he just chose to ignore it. "Honestly, Severus, I think Ginny will be fine. While she does know, she already knows how to keep secrets, and Vold-- I mean-- the Dark Lord, is fixated on Harry, not me. If you find out something that puts her or me in further danger we can start the lessons for her as well in the future."

Ginny mouthed a thank you to Hermione, who smirked a little, which made Severus turn to look at her. Ginny smiled innocently and walked to the door. "Hermione, you should get some more sleep, I'm going to the Great Hall for breakfast." She looked at Severus and nodded to him. "Good bye, Professor."

Severus dipped his head, feeling a weight lift off him as their guest left their presence. He was now free to be how he always is with her, sweet and gentleman-y. He was also grateful that Miss Weasley and Hermione had somewhat subtlety gotten him out of his own offer. He hadn't wanted to start lessons with her, not for not likely the girl. She was a lot better than her brother, however the lessons would cut into his and Hermione's  'magic time' as he silently started calling it. He felt so rejuvenated after their time that he so wanted to go further than he knew Hermione was ready for. After all, he was only human. Hermione took his hand and held it, breaking him of his growing thoughts. 

"Severus, you okay?" Hermione asked, trying to read him. He sighed and went to lock his doors. This talk required the utmost secrecy. 

When he got back to her, she was sitting on the side of the bed, waiting patiently. He sighed, not ready to delve into his inner feelings, but felt the need to speak about it. He went to sit beside her, trying to think of how to start it. 

"I thank you for releasing me from my offer. I admit I offered it before thinking clearly, wishing to make sure your friend was safe as well as keep you safe as possible." Severus turned to her, one leg resting on the bed, slightly touching Hermione's side. "I wanted to tell you," he started, hesitating slightly. Hermione turned to face him as well, crossing her legs on the bed and holding her knees, back straight. It was a position she found herself in every time she sat cross legged. He growled to himself, earning a raised eyebrow from Hermione. "I don't understand why I can't say this."

He stood up, pacing the room to try to defuse his own nervousness, something he started doing thanks to Hermione. "Severus, you have nothing to be nervous about. Just tell me."

"Don't you think I'm trying!" He all but shouted, earning a repulsive look from her. He quickly sighed and apologized. "I'm sorry, its just, I've never been this nervous to talk to someone since," he trailed off, not wanting to go there. 

She understood and nodded. "Take your time." 

Severus took a deep breath, stopping his pacing at last and went to stand in front of her. "I know you are not ready, however, I can't keep this to myself any longer." He halted again, then cursed himself as he lost his nerve. Finally she understood. He was ready to go as far as she would let him. 

She took his hand and kissed it. "I understand, Severus." He sighed in relief. He didn't think he could actually say it without sounding like a dirty old man. "I admit I've been thinking of ... certain things as well. However, I also admit that it scares me."

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