Not Now

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Hello again. Getting back into it. 


Severus stared at the nurse with shock. The older woman tsked to herself before rushing to get a potion. She handed Hermione a small vial and told her to down it. "It's a potion to help with the baby's early development."

Hermione swished the vial once before tipping her head back and downing it. She shuddered at the taste before handing it back to Madam Pomfrey. "You are good to go, just be careful, Miss Granger. These are dark times to bring a baby into the world."

She waved them both off with a lighthearted grin. Severus thanked her before taking her back to his chambers. How could she be pregnant? There was a charm on the school to make sure no student became pregnant while here. Who will raise the baby? They couldn't, with her helping Potter and Weasley and he would have to run the school with the Dark Lord hovering over him.

"You okay?" Hermione asked once they were back in his chambers. She went over to his closet to get a shirt to wear. She didn't want to leave him. 

He took off his frock and shirt to change also, thinking about what to say. "I'm just scared what will happen," he stated, laying on the bed. Hermione nodded, placing her hand on her stomach. It was hard to imagine that there was a baby in there. Her stomach was still so flat. "Come here," Severus said in a whisper. 

She looked at him, smiled, and walked over to him. She crawled on the bed beside him and curled herself into his side. His hand wrapped around her back and they fell asleep. Severus dreams consisted of their baby being raised by the Dark Lord, Hermione watching as their child became a dangerous death eater. 

The next morning Hermione was up and gone by the time Severus was awake. It was fine with him, but he missed her presence. He got ready and headed down to breakfast. She was there talking to Miss Weasley. He hoped she wasn't telling her about the baby. They hadn't even fully discussed it yet. 

"Severus," Dumbledore called out. Severus shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. Dumbledore was looking at him and then looked towards the Slytherin table. Severus followed his eyes. Malfoy wasn't there. 

Classes seemed to drag on. All Severus wanted to do was to go to Dumbledore and talk with him one last time. Malfoy was absent the entire day, which further fueled Severus' fear that today was Dumbledore's last day. Hermione could tell that something was going to happen by Severus' foul mood throughout the day, so decided to stay away from him for the moment. She didn't like it, but thought it best. 

Right now, she was called to the Headmaster's office by Dobby. He seemed to be giddy of something, but she didn't bother asking why. He'd most likely just avoid her question. When she entered Dumbledore's office, Severus was there, looking both worried and solomn. Dumbledore was in his chair, seemingly happy. 

"Miss Granger, come in," he greeted, waving her in with his good hand. 

"Headmaster, what's going on?" Hermione asked, going to stand beside Severus. 

"As Severus has told you, finally, that he will be killing me. As Mr. Malfoy has not shown up today for any classes nor meals, it's easy to assume that today will be my last day. As my last day, I would like to make one last order of protection for you and Severus. I would like to perform the conferratio spell on you two so you can perform at your best." Dumbledore stated calmly. Severus took in a breath and started to pace. 

Hermione watched him for a moment. "Okay, lets do it," Hermione said, raising her chin proudly. 

Dumbledore stood and walked around his desk, wand in his blackened hand at the ready. "Severus, stand to my left, Miss Granger, my right." They did as they were told. Hermione felt extremely giddy. "Intertwine your left hand. This will look much like an unbreakable vow, Severus, but not to worry, its not." With a quick wave of his wand, green strands shot out of his wand and twisted around their arms. 

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