Chapter 66

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To Giovanni and Gary's suprise, when they turned to the last place Arceus had been, they saw the pokemon lay fainted on the ground, Ash and his Lucario on the ground beside it.

"What?" Shouted Giovanni. Now that he thought about it, he did recal some explosions from that direction, but he had been so wrapped up with the battle with this child that he hadn't even noticed what had been going on. 

Then it hit him.

It had been a distraction.

He completely ignored Gary, who was waiting for him to send out another pokemon, and instead turned on his radio. "What's the status of the devices?" He roared.

Only static came in reply.

He immediately turned and sprinted to the other side of the roof, hoping to see his scientists working on a soulution.

Instead, when he arrived, he saw two girls and multiple pokemon battling almost all his avaliable Team Rocket members while a boy surrounded by a stone edge tampered with his machine.

"NO!" He shouted. And for exactly six seconds, he had a terrified mental spin-out. He had visions of being arrested for life, all of Team Rocket crashing down as Officer Jenny arrived and arrested all his opperatives who couldn't fight back with their fainted pokemon.

But after six seconds he straightened himself, fixed his tie and slicked back his hair. He reminded himself that he had back up plans and contingencies. Even if the machines were broken, he still had the blueprints backed onto a secure file. He was unable to make hard copies, but the online files couldn't be hacked into. Most of his opperatives were briefed on his back up plan and were prepared to enact it as soon as Giovanni said the word.

He radioed Matori. "The plan has failed. Tell everyone to enact protocal Iota 6. Make sure you get on the first cruiser. I can't have you stuck on the tower when the protocal is initiated." He would never tell her this directly, but he cared a lot for Matori.

"*Sir, with all due respect, you need me on the tower to ensure the protocal goes according to plan. I must remain on the tower until everyone else is-*"

"No! You will leave on the first ship with me. I will not have you remain on this tower." He shouted into his radio, even though it wouldn't do much good.

"*...Yes, sir. I'll meet you on the upper level.*"

"Good. Be quick."

GIovanni ended the call. He didn't want to initiate Protocol Iota 6, but he had no choice. If Officer Jenny found the evidence, she would surely be able to hunt down and lock up Team Rocket. While he and Matori would surely escape, it would take years to build Team Rocket back up.

He circled back to where he had battled that boy. The boy and his friend were arguing while Lysandere was nowhere to be found, but that wasn't important now. What was important was ensuring that the boy and his friend remained on the tower while Iota 6 was initiated. That way they wouldn't interfere with his plans again.


Gary looked down and saw that Ash had beat Arceus. He yelled down at him. "Nice work, Ashy-boy!"

Ash looked up at him and gave him a weak grin and a thumbs up.

Gary turned back to the other occupants of the roof; Paul, Lysandere, and-

"Where did Giovanni go?" 

Gary turned to Paul, hoping he had an answer, but Paul was busy chasing down Lysandere around the other corner of the roof.

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