1. Icy [Werewolf] (Part-2)

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Author : Listen Y'all, you better comment or else......

Please, I compromised with my studies and wrote it-

No, wait! I have a threat. Comment or I'll mute you.

Just kidding.

Not really, tho.


~ Four years later ~

A smile actualised on her thin, pink lips as her eyes followed the lush greenery along the calmly flowing river, morning sunlight immersing each being in its golden luminescence. The apples of her cheeks shone with a bright glow as the natural filter of the magic hour complimented the golden complexion of the eighteen-year-old.

She hugged herself as the cool morning breeze danced around in the air, joined by her chestnut brown hair as they made beautiful movements due to the breeze flirting and trilling along.

The bank of the river, covered with green grass and decorated with small red, blue and pink flowers, tossed their heads around as if talking and laughing together.

The girl leisurely ambled ahead on the road between the river and the lines of shops with adorable layouts selling different delicacies, coffees, beverages, cupcakes, donuts, sweets and whatnot.

The girl's brown eyes gazed beyond the river at the steep slopes of mountains, snow melting under the heat of the rising sun, a lush forest lying on the mountain's foot with tiny birds flirting and trilling about. Sweet chirps of the birds along with the bubbling and gushing from the river sounded like soft melody to her ears.

A sweet aroma wafted around in the air, hitting the girl's olfactory bulbs letting her close her eyes and inhale the scent before exhaling softly.

Smiling ear to ear, she turned towards the source, an adorable, mushroom structured café with the cap painted in beige colour with white spots coming to her sight, huge glass windows giving her a clear view of the customers sitting inside laughing and enjoying around.

Her eyes travelled up, pride brewing in her chest as the raised, golden letters on the café came to her view.

'SpringDrop' — Her café

Smiling to herself, she placed her palms on the glass door at the entrance, pushing it open as she entered inside.

"Hey! Eva!", A male voice greeted her almost immediately, dragging her towards the kitchen, shutting the glass door close before draping the pink curtains.

"Easy, Ben. What's up?", Eva asked on seeing the tensed countenance of the old worker.

Releasing her hand, the man with grey hair, slight age showing upon his features, smiled with nervousness lingering around making the young girl frown.

"What happened? What's wrong?", She asked, stepping closer towards him but gasped and jumped back when something soft and furry came in contact with her feet as a shrill woof reached her eardrums.

Gazing down, her eyes widened as a wolf's pup, pure white in colour with deep blue eyes sat there, wagging its tail with tongue sticking out.

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