2. Yandere (2)

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Next day

The man frowned in sleep when the harsh ray of sunlight sneaking inside the room from the gap between the curtains cast itself upon his eyes. Mumbling something incoherent under his breath, he turned away from the window, placing his arm over the younger girl's belly who was sleeping like a log, just like him.

The wife had come inside the room that morning and tried to wake up the girl to get her ready for school but gave up when both the father and the kid did not even move. Deciding to let them be and give Eva a day off, she got ready and left for school, leaving the passed-out duo to wake up on their own whenever they wanted to. She wanted to remind Jay again that she would be going to her mother's house after school and she won't be coming home that day, she would be staying the night there. She did not want him to freak out thinking someone had kidnapped his wife but gave up when Jay did not move from his sleeping position at all. She would message him later.

As of right now, the kid groaned lightly in sleep, placing her hand on her dad's bicep.

"Dada...", She whispered with a frown, sweat beads visible on her forehead as she shook his arm lightly.

"Hm? What's wrong?", He replied sleepily, opening his eyes with a frown when the child let out a light whimper.

Rubbing his eyes to adjust his vision, he stared down at the girl.

"It's hot here, dada", she mumbled.


He pressed the back of his hand against her, hissing when he felt her hot skin. She had fever.

"You have fever, love", he whispered, pushing his body up as he stretched lightly, resting his back against the headboard as he placed her on his lap, cupping her cheek to check her temperature again.

"You're burning. You need some medicine", he spoke, getting out of the bed, adjusting the girl in his arms, the girl had her arms around his neck, legs around his waist and head resting on his shoulder.

Arriving at the kitchen, he filled a glass of water and took out the required meds from the first-aid box before settling down on the couch with the kid in his lap.

"Here, have this", he brought the tablet near her mouth

"No, it's bitter", she pouted, turning her face away.

"How're you gonna get well soon without it? You have to take it, sugarplum"


"I'll take you out tomorrow and buy you as many chocolates you want if you eat it right now. Deal?", The man offered, chuckling softly on seeing the kid's eyes brightening at his words.

"Really? If I say, ten thousand chocolates?", She asked with a gasp.

"Ten thousand? I'll buy the entire store if that makes you happy", he replied with a smile, placing a peck on her forehead.

"But first, you gotta take this. Be a good girl for dada", he spoke, giving her the tablet. Scrunching her nose, she swallowed it before chugging down the whole glass of water, making a disgusted face.

"It was just a small tablet. It wasn't that bitter"

"It was. You are saying this 'cause you didn't have to take it", she pouted, burying her face in his shoulder.

"As you say", he chuckled, keeping the glass aside as he stood up with her in his arms again.

"Do you wanna eat something, baby love?", He asked softly as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. His one hand supported her bottom while the other patted her back in a gentle rhythm.

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