Just another sick day 🩹❤️‍🩹

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"just because i'm off school doesn't  mean you have to be off to i'm not that sick ill be fine im sure of it "shoyo said while hopping back into his bed after coming back from the bathroom

"your Mum is  at work and your brother and sister are at school and even if you weren't sick i wouldn't trust you to be home alone"

"if your referring back to the time i put a fork in the microwave that wasn't my fault besides does your mum know your skipping school to take care of your amazing handsome somewhat smart boyfriend"

"no not exactly she thinks we have a day of school for some holiday called s-b-f day i made it up"kei said while mixing some white medicine tablet in with water to give to shoyo

"oh my god if she finds out your in so much trouble kei, and what does s-b-f day even stand for" shoyo said while turning his nose up at any sight of medication

"well i told her it was saint bakers funding day but in reality it stands for sick boy friend day,now shut up and drink this" kei said while handing shoyo the glass of foggy medication water

"im not drinking this it looks less edible than any of tanaka's cooking and you know how bad his cooking is"shoyo said while slowly moving in the opposite direction as the glass of water

after a good 20 minutes of running away and hiding shoyo eventually gave up and drank  the drink which wasn't nearly as bad as he imagined it was,tho he only drank it on the condition that kei would go to the shop and buy him peach ice tea and enough chocolate to last a lifetime tho in hinatas case it would just about last him a day at  the least so kei was out getting snacks while shoyo was at home sitting on the  sofa in the living room watching kids programmes

why is your neighbourhood so confusing to get  around iv'e turned like 4 lefts and im still in the same place

oh you poor thing i guess im gunna have to come look for you right?

no stay put you little gremlin, google maps exists ill be back in ten minutes maximum if im  not then you can come search for me ,

fair enough , see you soon love

and kei stuck to his word five minutes later the front door opend and 10 minutes later shoyo was stuffing his face with chocolate and strawberries and another 20  minutes later they were both lying on the sofa with blankets and pillows about to start yet another harry potter mararthon just then kei's phone started to blow up 

just got a call  from school saying your not in and apparently saint bakers funding day isn't real kei  tsukishima you are one heck of a child

oh wow really?that's crazy maybe its a american only holiday

"your totally busted"shoyo said while kei showed him the text he recived from his mom

"maybe but it was totally worth it"

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now