A coincidence

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"This bagel is amazing" Shoyo though to himself while making his way down the hallway to the music block because he had to practise guitar for a bit

After scoffing down the last bite of cream cheese smoked salmon bagel that cost him 166 yen, total rip off but in a way worth it , he realised he should probably get a move in so he wasn't late

"I LEFT MY GUITAR IN THERE CAN I COME IN AND GET IT PLEASE!?" Shoyo screamed outside of a practise room that was clearly occupied you could tell by the pretty impressive drumming that was being echoed from inside the room

After waiting a long few seconds with no responses he decided to just push open the door grab his guitar and get out tho it didn't go exactly to plan

"How do you trip on air?,not to mention there's a door handle you could have grabbed on to?"said The figure that was sitting behind the drums kit while dragging his headphones from his ear down to his neck letting them lay on his shoulders

Shoyo who was currently on the floor after tripping while opening the door, was rubbing the side of his head after it had a minor collision with the ground leaving a small red mark

"Sorry i didn't mean to interrupt I was just getting my guitar and I slipped"Hinata said while standing back up and walking over to his guitar

"Klutz" Kei said under his breath before diverting his gaze away from the hinata

Hinata grabbed his guitar that was currently in its case before turning back to the door

He stopped for a second which grabbed kei's attention causing him to look back at hinata who was now retracing his steps back over to the middle of the room

"Actually do you mind if I practise with you ?"Shoyo said while loving his guitar of his shoulder

"...no I guess not" Kei said while admiring the boy he just met that seemed to have a large amount of confidence


"No need to shout"

"Sorry" sho whispered while crouching down taking his guitar out the case

It was a red guitar a very bright red with white and a rainbow guitar strap that had multiple pins on it his guitar seemed to match his personality, bright , bold and interesting

"Did you know I'm missing art class right now? It's my fav class I think I want to become a designer when I'm older or maybe an illustrator or maybe just stay at home and do art all day and play music and own a cat or two"Shoyo said while plotting himself on the floor tuning his guitar while rambling on and on

"That doesn't sound like an efficient way to make money" Tsukishima said while scrunching up his nose

"It's about having fun with the people you enjoy being around and doing the thing you love not how much money you make silly"

"Did you just call me ... silly??"

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't "Hinata said while clearly holding back a laugh

After a while of back and forth conversation about anything and everything kei found himself wanting to tell Shoyo every little thing about himself and also wanted to know everything there was to know about Shoyo even if it was about the salmon bagel he ate at break time or if it was about how he got all the pins on his guitar strap it all interested him

That's how it started , tho it led to more practise together and eventually hanging out in and out of school,sleepovers ,late night calls and walks in the park

How could they not fall in love ?

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now