Shits and giggles

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"I'll buy him more if he's really that worked up about it" Tsukishima said while pouring akiteru's favourite shampoo down the sink

Shoyo looked up at kei with a face that screamed "really?!"

"Who am I kidding I won't buy him a new one he can get himself a new bottle"

"Yeah that sounds more like it"Shoyo said while popping open a bottle of black hair dye

Shoyo passesd the the hair dye bottle over to kei there hands slightly grazing across each other

"Would you ever let me dye your hair?"Kei said while pouring the black hair dye into the shampoo bottle and glancing at shoyo waiting for an answer

"I mean in the future yeah of course,maybe we could do it together I get a blonde under layer so when I put my hair in a pony tail you can see blonde underneath and you get a ginger one like those cringey couple things"

Kei reached over and put the shampoo bottle in the shelf thing in the shower

"That's actually not a bad idea,now come on let's get out of here before akiteru comes for his nightly shower"

They both run out the room hand in hand before sprinting down the hall to Tsukishima's room in which they indulged in there favourite activity wich just happens to be playing old music on kei's record player and they did this until 'Friday I'm in love ' by the cure was interrupted by the most horrible singing known to man

"I don't really care bout what they sayyy imma come back like a boomerang" akiteru screeched over the noise of the shower trickling down

"Jojo siwa, really why am I not surprised ? Never knew that was what akiteru was into but we all have our things" Shoyo said while holding in his laugh

"Shush, don't even start because I'm gunna lose my shit" Kei said while digging his head into his elbow trying not to laugh

Once they heard the shower stop they raced downstairs eager to watch everything unfold so they sat around the dining table kei with a slice of strawberry shortcake and hinata with a bowl of chocolate and vanilla ice-cream that Tsukishima's mom gave them for desert

Just as tsukishima brought a spoon full of shortcake to his mouth he started chocking on air

"What's up with you?"akiteru said while pulling his t-shirt down over his head while watching his brother choke and hinata slap his back before handing him his water bottle

Once kei was stable again he patted Shoyo on the head before they both looked down at there bowls avoiding eye contact with the now black haired boy standing in front of them

"What is wrong with the pair of you your acting like I'm speaking in some minion language" akiteru said while opening the fridge and taking a swing of milk straight from the bottle which kei always found gross and now knew to avoid milk cartons that weren't brand new

Kei and Shoyo both looked at each other and smiled revealing tsukishima dimples that aren't obvious unless he's smiling so not often but they seem to be more visible to everyone when kei and hinata are around each other

Just then kei's mom walked in from the laundry room just about to tell the boys something but she paused dropped the clean and dry laundry walked up to akiteru and started ruffling his hair with a clear sense of shock on her face

"Akiteru tsukishima what have you done to your hair"

"Well I cut like a centimetre off like 2 months ago and I just washed it,why what's up with it?"

"Nothing nothing it looks great...amazing even !"

"I don't believe you " akiteru said while running his hand through his hair then turning to Shoyo "hina my favourite person in the whole word is there anything wrong with my hair?"

"No ... no of course not" Shoyo said while avoiding eye contact then turning to his boyfriend who practically had tears in his eyes from holding in laugh

Akiteru lost it he stomped back up the stairs with over dramatic stomping footsteps just for the effect,kinda sounded like he was falling down the stairs instead of going up which made the situation ten times funnier to kei and Shoyo who were currently gripping on to each other laughing there arses off but it was all shits and giggles until the only noise that echoed through the house was


In that split second they both realised there was no chance they were going to get any sleep whatsoever that night

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now