Family reunion📜 ❕

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"its nothing big i guess but i do have a lot of family members so its a lot of people and you've already met my mum and siblings also my Nana so its just a couple of uncles and aunties and a crap load of cousins its not that bad right, i just really want you to come because your really important to me yano?"

Tsukishima blushed at the sudden amount of affection his boyfriend was weighing on him before answering back

"of course ill go, the way you said it made it sound like i turned you down"kei said while dragging his hand through his boyfriends hair who was laying on his chest as they sat on the sofa watching peter pan since it was one of hinata's and Kei's favourite movies

"now i'm even more exited,i cant wait to win the spiking contest!"

"the spiking contest??"

"its where me and my cousins play a game where we see who can spike the most balls and the winner does the dishes and i win every year!"shoyo said while starting to get extremely bubbly

"and does anyone else in your family play volleyball by any chance?"

"nope,i never really thought about it like that"shoyo questioned as kei tried to contain his laughter

sooner or later they both fell asleep hand in hand ,before the movie finished per usual

the next Friday bang on the time that was set kei was found walking up the road that led to the hinata household , tho he didn't expect to be so nervous its not everyday you go to your boyfriends family reunion,he adjusted his plain black turtleneck that matched his black dress pants and belt before spotting hinata outside his house sitting on the wall looking slightly annoyed

"whats up with you , never seen you look so mad " kei said while sitting next to hinata who was wearing lose denim shorts and a pretty colourful flannel with quiet a few buttons undone tho it really suited him not to mention his hair was a lot longer than it was back in first year,kei totally thought shoyo looked extremely hot with longer hair but he wasn't going to admit it out loud

"oh heyyy! i'm fine my cousins already annoying me that's all ,i don't remember giving him permission to come into my home and annoy me but oh well just beware of him"shoyo said before standing up grabbing kei's hand and making there way inside

kei was a little taken a back by the temperature change from freezing cold outside to the warm home with a aromatic smell of ginger bread probably since it was shoyo's favourite snack tho it was a Christmas thing shoyo would eat it all year round. once he adjusted to the warmth he took a good look around while hinata dragged him into the kitchen,tho it was still shoyo's house there was quiet a few little children running around with barbie dolls and trucks then a couple of adults in the living room with glasses of wine just then he entered the kitchen to see a shit load of food and gosh did it smell great

"hi nana, this is tsukishima remember you met him last year on my birthday weekend "

shoyos grandmother walked over to tsukishima then giving him a kiss on the cheek

"well aren't you just gorgeous,and you look even more handsome than last time i saw you gosh you grow quick so tall and handsome "she said while pinching kei's cheek

while nana and kei were having a conversation Shoyo was creeping around the table on a mission to sneak a cookie before dinner

and even tho his grandmother's back was turned to him she still managed to bust him

"shoyo you put that cookie back iv'e told you no cookies till after you've eaten dinner"

after huffing and puffing for a couple of minutes he managed to convince his nana to let him have the cookie so once he finished the cookie he and Tsukishima made there way outside where there was a bouncy castle with quiet a few kids running around and adults sitting down having a catch up and to kei's surprise  once they stepped outside he could sense hinata's anger like an energy radiating from his body but he soon  found out the reason

"hey there's my favorite cousin ,is there any chance you've got shorter since i saw you half an hour ago because it certainly looks like it" shoyo's cousin shut his mouth for a split second before spotting tsukishima "oh you've got yourself a boyfriend that's cute"

"i'm guessing this is is the annoying cousin you mentioned"tsukishima said while snickering

shoyo covered his mouth trying not let out a laugh but instead letting out a snort

"yep pretty obvious right?" he said after collecting himself

"gosh i already don't like you"shoyo's cousin said while flicking his hair and putting his hand on his hip

that's when shoyo's older brother Haruki walked past before stopping and looking his cousin up and down before saying "hitoro you look like a gay fairy it totally suits you dude"before walking over to his auntie

kei and shoyo both looked at each other trying to keep in there laughs and looking at each other only wanted to make them laugh even more but they managed to contain it until shoyo's cousin also known as hitoro stormed off ,since hitoro was gone shoyo took the opportunity to introduce tsukishima to his Aunty mei and uncle haru who both seemed to take a liking to tsukishima which was no surprise to shoyo i mean if shoyo took a liking to kei its no doubt the rest of his family would

soon later once the sun set and it was starting to get dark it got more lively that's one part shoyo hated about parties the darker it gets the louder the music and people get,but after catching up with yet another one of his cousins shoyo realised he had totally lost tsukishima which isn't really a good sign especially in this house hold because he was either being harrased by his nana about how tall hes gotten in the past couple of months or maybe even hitoro decided to talk to him or even worse he could be getting attacked by the children ,so he started to look for tsukishima and eventually found him sooner or later

"you really got yourself a good one didn't you "hitoro said while leaning against the back garden door standing next to shoyo they were both admiring tsukishima who was talking to shoyo,s mother while he carried the sleeping twins Aiko and Akira both 3 years old one in each arm

"yeah i really did"shoyo said while continuing to admire his boyfriend

"you still up for the spiking contest?"Hitoro said while grinning from ear to ear

that brought shoyo out of the hypnosis that Tsukishima seemed to have him


"not my fault you wanted to play volleyball so bad that you actually fell for it"hitoro said while laughing and eventually had shoyo laughing as well not because it was funny just because of how horrible Hitoro's laugh sounded

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬Where stories live. Discover now