Band practise

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"I feel like I've been scammed,when I signed that contract I didn't read anywhere that practise would happen at eight in the morning."Shoyo said while plonking himself on the sofa to take a five minute rest while Yamaguchi tuned his guitar

"That's funny, to be fair I didn't read anywhere on the contract that I'd have to hear you complain every single morning" Tsukishima said while moving shoyo's foot sitting down on the sofa and plonking shoyo's foot back into his lap

"You love it really,don't lie"

"Oh please don't get too far ahead of yourself"

While this was going on kageyama was chomping on a pice of toast already familiar with Hinatas and Tsukishima's flirting sessions every single morning not like either of them would call it that because there both to ahead of themselves to actually call it flirting so instead they settle with the word "bickering"

The reason to why practise actually started this early was because it took them ages to actually start because hinata would fall asleep on the sofa and nobody had the guts to wake him up except tsukishima and tsuki always let him sleep in and another reason was that kageyama decided to eat whatever food was in the studio before returning to the Recording room then Yamaguchi would decide he wanted to change his guitar strap and then everyone else decidedly that they were also hungry so practise starts at eight but really and truly it starts at ten

Once all that was over with they could actually practise so they did and this went on for about two hours before yachi told them to take a break everyones fav time of the day minus lunchtime

"What are you up to?" Tsukishima said while walking into a smaller recording room hoping to get in some extra practise but instead finding Shoyo sitting down with a sheet of paper,his acoustic guitar on the floor and his hair tied back often meaning he was writing a new song of some sort

"Just trying to finish this song, do you mind helping me before I lose my will to live ??" Shoyo said while banging his head against the table which was a normal activity when it came to songwriting

"Tch, yeah sure"

Taking that he and Shoyo spent the next hour finishing off some lyrics before deciding to play it together just so they could appreciate there work because it was almost like a reward hearing what they've created

Kei was on piano because not only was he absolutely amazing on drums he also had talent in playing piano,Shoyo was on acoustic guitar and vocals

I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along
Ghost in your house, ghost in your arms
When you're tossing, when you turn in your sleep
It's because I'm ghosting your dreams
And this is why I have decided
To pull these old white sheets from my head
I'll leave them folded neat and tidy
So that you'll know I'm out of hiding

I've been ghosting, I've been ghosting along
Ghost in the world, ghost with no home
I remember, I remember the days
When I'd make you oh-so afraid
And this is why I have decided
To leave your house and home un-haunted
You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks

You don't need treats
And you don't need tricks
You don't need treats
You don't need tricks
You don't need no Halloween
You don't need treats
You don't need tricks
And you don't need me

Hinata smiled at tsukishima once he looked up from the guitar only to see kei smiling at him making him choke on a few words before continuing with second part of the song that Tsukishima help him come up with

Hey, would it be so bad if I stayed
I'm just a ghost out of his grave
And I can't make love in my grave
I won't put white into your hair
I won't make noises in your stairs
I will be kind and I'll be sweet
If you stop staring straight through me
And this is why I have decided
To pull these old white sheets from my head
I'll leave them folded neat and tidy
So that you'll know I'm out of hiding
And this is why I have decided
To leave your house and home un-haunted
You don't need poltergeists for sidekicks
You don't need treats
And you don't need tricks
You don't need treats
You don't need tricks
You don't need no Halloween
You don't need treats
You don't need tricks
You don't need treats
You don't need no Hallows Eve
You don't need treats
You don't need tricks
And you don't need me

"You sound great per usual sho"

To Shoyo hearing those words come out of Tsukishima's mouth was like switch in his head that made him choke on all his words and his face flush red

"Thank you I mean it's not me it's also you you play piano really well  is surprising because drums and piano are two different things and I would have had nothing to sing if you didn't help me I really appreciate it and also" this was another thing Shoyo did when he was nervous he rambled on and on like there was no tomorrow "I would like it if you would play it with me on tour and I really think that I-"

The only reason Shoyo stopped talking was before he could process what was happening he felt another pair of lips on his then a hand on the back of his head then his cheek and before he knew it his hand was on the back of Tsukishima's neck

"Am I interrupting because I have this undying feeling that I am ?" Kageyama said while standing at the door with take away food in his hand and a blank expression on his face

Just then Yamaguchi also decided to pop his head round the door "gosh guys you better keep 5ft away from each other for your own sanity and another 3 for Jesus" Yamaguchi finding his own joke absolutely hilarious  holding on to his chest while laughing

Tsukishima and hinata smiled at each other before deciding to attack kageyama for whatever food was in those bags he's was holding because damn did it smell amazing

While sitting around the table stuffing there faces Yamaguchi and kageyama on one side of the table arguing about what my little pony character was the best kinda weird but normal for them  and hinata and tsuki on the other making plans to "hang out" also know as a date but same thing according to them

"Hey look at this" yachi said while leaning over the table and shoving her phone at kei and shoyo's faces

What she was showing them happend to be a picture of the pair of them at an interview they had last week,where they seemed to be holding hands underneath the table this being posted by some super fan account like those fans that seem to know more about yourself than you do

"YOU GUYS WERE ALREADY DATING!?"kageyama said while sipping on his Fanta

"Well damn I thought we were being discrete about it as well" Kei said while glancing at shoyo with a grin

"I told you we were going to get caught ,that's why I said keep the hand holding to a minimum" sho said while shoving kei's shoulder a little

"Sorry I couldn't help it"

Your totally a nerd! (tsukihina one shots )🌌🪬حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن