Chapter One

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||Winter is Coming||

Cersei has been in labor for hours, giving birth to her daughter. She was confident that this child was also her twin's, Jaime Lannister like their first born son was, Joffery. 

However you can all imagine the surprise and disgust Cersei felt when she finally gave birth and saw black hair and dark brown eyes, instead of blonde and blue. This was very obviously Robert's child.

Cersei remembered how much love she used to feel for Robert, but that love kept fading each time he came home drunk from the brothel and kept saying "Lyanna."

Lyanna Stark.

A dead girl whom he felt more love towards rather than his own wife, who was still alive.

Cersei was unsure how to feel. Was this a curse or a blessing?

She was not going to dwell on that thought for now, she was exhausted. So she fed her daughter for the last time, before she fell into a deep slumber.

Later that night, King Robert came into the room to check up on his wife and meet his daughter. Cersei had told him that he could name their second born, and so, as the King held his tiny princess who was still very much wide awake at such ungodly hours of the night, feeling a gentle breeze, he named the Princess Zephyr. 

The moment he laid eyes on her, he knew she was his, and he immediately fell in love. The small girl resembled the King more than she knew. The hair, the eyes, her courage and her strength.

"Zephyr Baratheon." Robert spoke softly for the first time in a long time. He loved his son Joffery, of course he did. How could he not? But he also didn't feel the connection with him as he did with Zephyr. He did suspect that Cersei was cheating, but he also couldn't care any less. She wasn't the woman he went to war for, so he wasn't going to fuss over it. 

Zephyr was more than a blessing in his eyes. A miracle.

His little Princess.

~Game of Thrones~

The King, Robert Baratheon had come all the way to Winterfell to ask Ned Stark to be his new hand after Jon Aryn suffered a supposed heart attack. Zephyr was suspicious of that fact though, because the man had never seemed to fall ill or have any illnesses for that matter.

As Zephyr stepped out of the carriage and onto Winterfell, all eyes were on her. She was more the "Black Sheep" of the family. A sheep among lions. Her features were gentle and her brown eyes held the kind of kindness that were rare to find. Eye contact for even a split second would make anyone trust her.

Zephyr walked side by side with her father. He was her comfort person. Her Protector. Her uncle Jaime loved and protected her just as much but she had always been father's little princess. Even the King is reluctant to make his daughter marry some lord. No one was good enough for his princess in his eyes.

The beautiful princess shivered. It was a lot colder in the North than it was in the south, but that was to be expected. Robert put a gentle arm around the girl's shoulders as a way of keeping her warm, and they both stepped over to Ned Stark, her father's old friend.

Just as they did so, her mother Cersei stepped out of the carriage with Joffery and her two other siblings.

"You've got fat." The King had told Ned Stark. It was silent for a moment until both broke out in laughter and pulled each other in a tight embrace. After he was done with Ned he went on to give Catelyn a hug.

Ned Stark went in to kiss the Princess' hand, but she cut the action off and hugged the man instead. "No need to be so formal, we're basically family." She let slip as she also went to hug Catelyn, which resulted in Robert sending his daughter a look.

Zephyr in turn smiled sheepishly and went on to greet Sansa and Arya. 

Sansa was absolutely gorgeous. She understood why her father had chosen her. She has fiery red hair that matched her personality and the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. She was almost jealous of Joffery that he'd get to marry her, but on the other hand she also knew how terrible he was. He's her brother, yes. But he's also a stuck up bitch.

After her father had greeted everyone, he asked Ned to show him to the crypts.

Cersei was annoyed of course, knowing the exact reason for this, so they were led inside the castle and were shown to their rooms.

Zephyr needed to wash up since they've been riding for a whole month, and would sleep until it was time for the feast. 

Little did she know, this was only the beginning.

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