Chapter Forty-Six

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"We're never going to fix what's wrong with this city from the top of an 800-foot pyramid." Tyrion told Zephyr who has been complaining the entire walk that she wanted to be left alone in her chambers.

Varys turned to check if the Meereenese person was eavesdropping on them, which made Tyrion look as well before comforting the paranoid eunuch, "We'll be fine."

"We're dressed like common merchants." Zephyr pointed out, "So unless they memorized our faces from the attack in the fighting pit the other day, we should be okay."

"You walk like a rich person." Varys pointed out, criticizing his friends, making the pair frown almost offended.

"You spent a lot of time studying the way a rich person walks?" Tyrion questioned.

"You walk as though the paving stones were your own personal property." Varys told Tyrion. "I used to steal from people like you when I was a boy."

"It's a good thing you're not a boy anymore." Tyrion added, cheekily. Varys pursed his lips at the comment. "Because you have no cock."

"You are so childish, Tyrion. Would explain your size." Zephyr spoke with a roll of her eyes making it Tyrion's turn to purse his lips andshut up.

They continued their walk in silence until they crossed a woman on the floor, holding her baby close to her chest. Tyrion took out some coins from his pocket, holding it out for her, talking to her in Valyrian. Varys smirked, knowing how rusty his Valyrian was and most likely said the entirely wrong thing.

"She thinks you want to eat her baby." Varys told Tyrion. Zephyr sighed and snatched the money from his hands and crouched in ront of the woman.

"Syt aōha rūs, naejot ipradagon" 'For your baby to eat', said Zephyr which seemed to calm the woman down and made her smile at the younger Queen.

"Issa uncle's valyrīha iksos horrible, ziry jeldan naejot tepagon ao se gelebo sīr ao kostagon sindigon mirros naejot ipradagon syt aōha rūs." 'My Uncle's Valyrian is horrible, he wanted to give you the money so you can buy something to eat for your baby', Zephyr quickly added with a sweet smile.

The woman then thanked her before She, Tyrion and Varys continued their walk.

"When did you learn Valyrian?" Tyrion asked his niece, a little irritated.

"Last night. Ser Jorah thought I'd be useless everywhere I went, and as you know, I thrive off of proving Men wrong." Zephyr explained. That was only the half truth, though. In reality she did it because she couldn't sleep.

She couldn't wrap her mind around how many people she's lost. Her family kept growing smaller and smaller as the years went on, and she didn't even want to think about Jon. What happened to him was treason, and the brothers of the Watch probably agreed to this. Perhaps not all, but most.

And so, to take her mind off of everything that was happening in the world, she chose to learn Valyrian, and be useful. It wasn't too difficult after the fourth hour of studying.

As the trio walked, they saw some graffiti on the wall, "Kill all the masters", "Mhysa is a master".

"Mhysa means mother in Valyrian." Varys explained the graffiti. 

"I know what Mhysa means." Tyrion said.

"Who wrote it?" Zephyr asked.

"Hard to know." Tyrion spoke. "Our Queen is not as popular in Meereen as she used to be."

"The Sons of The Harpy?" Zephyr guessed, "Very possibly." Tyrion agreed.

"Daenerys Targaryen took away their most valuable property, told them human beings weren't even property to begin with." Tyrion explained to Varys and Zephyr, cautious as he spoke whenever someone passed them, "You can see why they're unhappy."

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