Chapter Twenty-Eight

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||Valar Dohaeris||

"Why should I believe you?" Tyrion asked Lord Varys as he lay in his bed, still recovering from the wound across his face that he gained from the Siege.

"Why would I lie about it?" Varys shot back, sitting on the side of the bed with the Princess.

"To create strife between me and my sister?" Tyrion guessed.

"Where before there was nothing but love. Ser Mandon Moore tried to kill you on your sister's orders. If it weren't for your Squire's bravery, you'd  be a dead man." Lord Varys explained.

Zephyr glanced at Podrick, standing in the corner of the room when Tyrion called out to him, "Yes, my lord?"

"Would it be excessive of me to ask you to save my life twince in a week?" Tyrion asked the boy.

"No, my lord." Pod smiled.

"You're a good lad. Get Bronn, tell him I want four of his most loyal gold cloaks outside my door at all times." Tyrion instructed. As Pod was going to go off and tell Bronn exactly what Tyrion had just told him, Varys cut him off, "I'm afraid your friend has be relieved of his command of the City Watch. The gold cloaks are now firmly in the hands of your father or your sister."

Zephyr had been quiet the entire time. She didn't understand why her mother had ordered a kill on Tyrion. He hasn't done anything but help her rule the Kingdoms and cease some of the chaos to the best of his abilities.

"It varies from cloak to cloak." Varys added.

"Then my hilltribesmen." Tyrion spoke, "Have gone home." Zephyr answered. "Grandfather paid them handsomely."

"I'm afraid we won't be seeing each other for quite some time my lord." Varys told him.

"Don't want to swim too close to a drowning man? And I thought we were friends." Tyrion stated

"We are." Varys answered. "Podrick, would you mind?"

Pod then opened the room, revealing Shae, Sansa's Lady's maid. Zephyr furrowed her brows. A bit risky to come here so openly. She didn't trust this. Varys and the Princess stood from the bed, walking to stand side by side to let the pair have their moment.

"There are many who know that without you this city faced certain defeat. The King won't give you any honors, the histories won't mention you, but we will not forget." Varys told her uncle as he bowed and left the room with Podrick.

"I hope you get well soon, uncle." Zephyr said to him before leaving as well, closing the door behind her.


Later that night, Zephyr and Joffrey went to have dinner with the Tyrells along with their mother who had chosen to join them. What for, she wasn't too sure. She just hoped it would be a simple dinner and nothing more, she was still feeling exhausted from pushing herself to her limits.

"Your Grace, My Princess." Margery and Loras greeted when the two siblings entered the room.

"Sit, sit." Joffrey told them, "I do apologize, my lady. Smal council meetings." He said as everyone sat down at the table. Joffrey and Cersei sat at each end of the table while Margery sat to offrey's right and Zephyr to his left whereas Loras sat to Zephyr's left and to Cersei's right.

"At what point does it become treason to waste the king's time?" Joffrey joked with Margery. They really did seem to get along better, but Zephyr knew this game all too well. Looks are very deceiving, and Margery is only marrying her brother to be The Queen.

"That's a lovely gown my lady." offrey complimented his future queen.

"Yes, it suits you perfectly. I imagine you might be rather cold." Cersei stated her backhanded comment.

Loras and Zephyr shared a glance of mild awkwardness as her mother blatantly slut-shamed his sister. This was going to be a long night..

"The climate is a bit more forgiving back in Highgarden, your Grace." Margery told the Queen Regent.

"Shall I have them bring you a shawl, my lady?" Joffrey asked the sweet woman.

"I am touched by your concern, your Grace. Luckily for us Tyrells, our blood runs quite warm, doesn't it Loras?" Margery said, smiling at her brother. "Yes" he answered.

"Loras, isn't the Queen's gown magnificant? The fabric, the embroidery, the metalwork. I've never seen anything like it." Margery kept going.

Zephyr didn't even have to glance at her mother to know how much she disliked Margery Tyrell in particular. "You might find a bit of armor quite useful once you become Queen. Perhaps before. Joffrey tells me you stopped your carriage at Flea Bottom on your way back from the sept this morning."

"Yes. I paid a visit to the orphanage the High Septon told me about." She smiled.

"Margery does a great deal of work with the poor back in Highgarden." Loras explained to Cersei, who in turned smiled the brightest most sarcastic smile in return.

"The lowest among us are no different from the highest if you give them a chance and approach them with an open heart." Margery stated proudly.

"An open heart is what you'll get in flea bottom if you're not careful, my dear." Cersei said plainly. She wasn't wrong though, Zephyr experienced it first hand when those vile men..

"Not long ago we were attacked by a mob there." Cersei glanced at her daughter with a sad look, "We had a full complement of guards that didn't stop them. The King barely escaped with his Life and the princess nearly got butchered."

Both Zephyr and Joffrey shifted uncomfortably in their seats and Zephyr mentally thanked Loras for taking hold of her hand gently as reassurance that she's safe.

"My mother has always had a penchant for drama. Facts become less and less important to her as she grows older. Our lives were never truly in danger." Joffrey told his sweet lady.

"You mean your life. I don't remember you being pinned by men who wanted to torture you before they got to killing you." Zephyr said sourly as she glared her brother down, which made him shrink in his seat.

"You're right, of course. But you are your father's children. We can't all have a king's bravery." Cersei said as she took a sip of her wine.

"Hunger turns men into beasts. I'm glad House Tyrell has been able to help in this regard. They tell me 100 wagons arrive daily now from the Reach. Wheat, barley, apples. We've had a blessed harvest. And of course, it's our duty to assist the capital in time of need." Margery explained.

"Well, as Ser Loras said, Lady Margery has done this sort of, uh, charitable work before. I'm sure she knows what she's doing." Joffrey smiled at his future Queen.

It was almost cute if Zephyr hadn't gotten the urge to vomit at the sight of them. She caught Loras' eye who grinned at her knowingly, feeling the exact same way most likely.

"I'm sure she does." Cersei said. Needless to say, she definitely did not like the Tyrells. At all.

Eitherway, knowing her mother better than anyone, she knew Cersei would not have Tyrells rule the Kingdoms. Not as long as she's alive.

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