Chapter Three

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||The Kingsroad||

In the morning after Zephyr had woken from her peaceful slumber, she had her lady's maids help her get ready as usual in the morning. And as women do when they're bored with their lives, they gossip.

"Bran Stark fell out of the tower last night, did you hear?" one of the lady's maids said, her name being Aenge. Zephyr furrowed her brows in confusion. She hadn't met Bran before or knew much about him, but she constantly heard her mother scolding him to stop climbing. 

"I thought he was a great climber?" the other maid, Brianna asked seemingly confused herself.

"Well everyone slips up eventually, right?" Aenge tried to find an answer for his mysterious fall.

"It certainly is suspicious." Zephyr said to herself and stood up once they were done with her hair. "Excuse me now, I shall get going to find my brother." The princess announced as she strut out of her temporary room. The two lady's maids bowed until she left the room and continued on with their gossip as they left themselves.

Zephyr would have to ask Jaime or Tyrion about that topic later on though. She knew her mother couldn't care any less about what happens to the Stark children.

The young princess found Joffery and The Hound at the front of the doors of the castle and once she arrived, the trio headed onwards to find Tyrion. After about fifteen minutes of looking, they finally found the dwarf sleeping with dogs and hens.

Zephyr sighed at his state. "How'd you end up in there, uncle?" The princess questioned genuinely curious.

"Better-looking bitches than you're used to uncle." Joffery commented smirking. Zephyr rolled her eyes so far that she nearly gave herself a migraine so early in the morning.

"Mother's been looking for you." Zeph stated before Joffery could say any more vulgar things to get under their uncle's skin. "We ride for King's Landing today."

"Before you go, call on Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies." Tyrion told Joffery as he stood up.

"What good will my sympathies do them?" Joffery asked as if that was the most ridiculous thing he's ever heard. Zephyr sighed, "None, but it is expected of you brother."

"Your absence has already been noted." Tyrion stated.

"The boy means nothing to me." Joffery tried to reason and get out of having to offer his sympathies. "And I can't stand the wailing of women." He said grinning, but as soon as he did, Tyrion slapped that grin clean off of his smug face.

Both Zephyr and Ser Clegane were shocked, but found it amusing at the same time.

"One word and I'll hit you again." Tyrion stated.

"I'm telling Mother!-" Joffery yelled but was slapped again, the other side of his face this time.

"Go! Tell her. But first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark and you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service, and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?" Tyrion explained. Zephyr was loving every moment of this. She should feel bad but her own brother was worse than any man she had met so far, so she couldn't help the smile that grew on her face.

Tyrion may have been a dwarf and everyone of her family hated him, but he was clever and her favorite uncle. He'd always been there for her when her father or uncle Jaime couldn't. He taught her many things, and those things would come in handy very soon.

"You cant.-" Joffery began but was slapped into silence once more. "Do you understand?" Tyrion repeated. As her brother was too stunned and embarrassed to speak, he walked off in silence.

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