Chapter Fifty-Six

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The Unsullied were marching into Winterfell, all of the North was there to witness their King in the North riding on a horse with Queen Zephyr while Queen Daenerys rode behind them with Ser Jorah.

In the crowd Zephyr noticed Arya Stark, all grown up and looking so much like her father. She sent the girl a smile which was gratefully returned.

Zephyr sighed as she saw the look of distrust in the people's eyes as they rode past them. Jon noticed this, "I warned you, northerners don't much trust outsiders."

They flinched wtih fear however when both dragons, Rhaegal and Drogon screeched as they flew a little distance away from their mothers. Zephyr smiled at the dragons, she truly loved them like they were her own.

Zephyr and Jon shared a secret though. After that night, which they spent in each other's pleasure, they chose that as soon as they arrive in Winterfell, they'd get married in secret. Daenerys still very much despised Jon with a burning passion and she would never in a million years let it happen. In fear that Daenerys will go through with her fantasies of burning him alive as revenge, they were going to do it in secret, unaware of which secrets were going to be unfolded after. 

When they finally arrived and saw the Starks waiting for them, they got off of their horses. Jon was the first to rush over and hug his brother Bran, who he hadn't seen in years.

Zephyr couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming sight of a brother reuniting with his siblings.

Zephyr stood back with Daenerys and Ser Jorah. "They don't seem too welcoming of our presence."

"Can you blame them?" Zephyr asked Daenerys who sighed and shook her head no. "We're only here to save the North, not to conquer it."

Then Sansa and Jon both glanced at Daenerys and Zephyr who took it as their sign to step forward to them.

"Sansa." Zephyr smiled, "You've grown so much."

"I have." Sansa smiled, weary. She was unsure if Zephyr came to kill her to avenge Joffrey. "I know you didn't do it. I never doubted for a moment that you're innocent."

"Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen." Jon introduced, shifting uncomfortably, "My sister, Sansa Stark, Lady of Winterfell."

"Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark." Daenerys smiled at the Auburn haired woman. "The North is as beautiful as Zephyr claimed, as are you."

"Winterfell is yours, your Grace." Sansa stated, with a soft smile.

"We don't have time for all this." Bran spoke. "The Night King has your dragon, he's one of them now. The wall has fallen, the dead march south."

As soon as Bran said this, they all gathered in the great hall of the castle, with the lords and ladies of the north joining.

"As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell." Lady Sansa stated, "Lord Umber.." She called out to a small boy who peeked his head out, "When can we expect your people to arrive?"

Young Lord Umber then stood from his place, "We need more horses and Wagons, if it please my Lady. " He then turned to Jon, "And my Lord." then his gaze landed on Daenerys and Zephyr, "And my Queens. Sorry."

"You'll have as many as we can spare." Sansa said. "Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your People back here." 

Lord Umber bowed before her before he hurried off.

"We need to send Ravens to the Night's Watch as well." Jon stated, "There's no sense in manning the castles anymore. We make our stand here."

"At once, your Grace." Said Maester Wolkan.

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