Chapter Forty-Four

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||The Dance of Dragons||

"Where have you been?" Daenerys asked her future husband, not seeming pleased at all that he was late for the great fight in the Fighting Pit before not only one Queen, but two. The people of Meereen have been cheering loudly, their excitement consuming them.

Zephyr sat to Tyrion's left and to the future King of Meereen's right. The younger Queen shared a look with her uncle, knowing this would be very unpleasant. "Just making sure everything is in order." He answered. 

A master soon strut out onto the pit, bowed before the future king and held his hand up, slowly turning towards the crowd, effectively silencing them before he began to speak in High Valyrian.

"I'm gonna need you to teach me to speak Valyrian, Daenerys." Zephyr smiled at the silver haired woman who in turn smiled back. They quickly grew fond of each other and were becoming rather good friends. 

Not long after that, the master introduced the first two contestants who basically and quite literally said they will fight for her glory. When they were done it was silent, everyone was awaiting what Daenerys had to say.

"They're waiting for you" Said the future husband, who Zephyr did not trust at all. "Clap your hands."

And so she did. As soon as the clap was heard, the cheering began as well as the fight. 

Daario chuckled, "That one, the smaller man. No question, that's where you should put your money." 

"The smaller man it is." Tyrion agreed.

"I am not putting my money anywhere." Daenerys told them sternly.

"Kings and Queens never bet on the games. Perhaps you should go find someone who does." The man whose name Zephyr still didn't know. Maybe he introduced himself once before,  but she must've forgotten. He's as annoying and stuck up as Littlefinger. Not to be trusted under any circumstances.

"People used to bet against me when I fought in the pits. He would've bet against me, common novice mistake." Daario told them, smirking knowing he's getting under the future king's skin. 

"I've spent much of my life in this arena." The man started, frustrated, " And in my experience, large men do triumph over smaller men far more often than not."

"Has your experince ever involved any actual fighting?" Daenerys asked him. "You. Yourself? Have you ever tried to kill another man who was trying to kill you? "

"I think I see how his logic makes sense to him now." Zephyr spoke, "He lacks in every aspect that would make a man seem big and strong."

Daario barked a laugh, "That's a good one. But whenever I got into the pit against a beast like that one, the crowd saw me, all skin and bone back then, then they saw a pile of angry muscles ready to murder me. They couldn't get their money out fast enough." He told his story as he whipped out his dagger in front of the man, giving him a good jumpscare.

"But the pile of angry muscles never had any muscles here, or here, or here," Daario demonstrated basically aiming for the neck and face, "And the big men were always too slow to stop my dagger from going where their muscles weren't. Yes, whenever I saw a beast like that one standing across from me making his beast faces, I knew I could rest easy." 

Daario was smiling lovingly at Daenerys who returned the same puppy love eyes until that very big mag yelled in victory when it chopped the other man's head clean off.

Zephyr's jaw dropped and turned to Daario, "Common novice mistake?"

The man who was to marry Daenerys was grinning in victory while Daario quickly turned away from the two. Zephyr looked anywhere except the dead body of the innocent man in the pit.

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