🇨 🇭  : ꫀ𝓲ᧁꫝ𝓽ꫀꫀꪀ

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It's been a whole month, and finally they started to believe that jack left them alone, and y/n Is back to normal, they are living their lives happily with each other.

They don't need anything more then this, finally after being in hell they are free, y/n is free from jack, he isn't following her.

There is no jack in this town, they can go out at nights, her brother goes to work everyday, and she stays home, enjoying watching dramas, her mother usually sleeps, or stays with her.

She is more then happy, she believed that she is free from every pain now, they are free from every pain, jack is far away from them, and nothing Is more important then that.

It's been more then a month, her mother is asking taehyung to let her go, today taehyung accepted about her going, and her mother left to her grandmother, she bid them goodbye kissing their cheeks, going inside the train, y/n glanced at her brother, her brother shrugged his shoulders, going inside his car.

Y/n sat beside him, and they drove off to home, "I'm already late for work"said taehyung, glancing at his watch, "y/n I have to go to another city with the Ceo so I will be late around five in the morning close all the doors, and sleep okay?"he asked, she nodded.

He stopped Infront of their apartment, she got of from the car, going inside, she entered inside the lift, pressing her floor's number, after she reached on her floor.

She got of the elevator, walking inside her house, she opened the door exhaling a deep breath, she immediately looked around, as she is hungry, she decided to cook something for herself.

She cooked some ramyon, sitting on the table, she ate the ramyon, and washed the dishes, after that she left to her room.

She laid on the bed, closing her eyes, she didn't realized when she fell asleep.

Her eyes fluttered, she opened them, she glanced at the clock, it's 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘢𝘮, she got up from the bed, walking to the kitchen grabbing some water drinking it in one go, she slept a lot.

Suddenly the lights went off, she can only see darkness, after soo many struggles, she opened the drawer of the kitchen, she burnt the candle, which's sound echoed in the whole kitchen.

Her whole existence shivered, when she heard that creepy whistle, she slowly shakily turned around, she raised the candle, giving brightness Infront of her.

She shakily walked forward, but there wasn't anyone, maybe I didn't heard it right, she turned around and a scream left her mouth, when the face which she never wanted to see again, was right Infront of her, her candle giving brightness to his face.

Jack smirked, "princess missed me?"asked jack, the candle fell from her shaky weak hands immediately, and she fell on the floor along.

He bent down Infront Of her, she burst out crying loudly, slapping the floor harshly, jack grabbed her wrist pushing her to his chest.

"Hmm tell me did my princess missed her ak?"she stared at him crying, he forcefully made her sit on his lap, tugging strand of her behind her ear.

She shooked her head, receiving a slap on her face, "maybe I didn't make you enough suffer to miss me"said jack, snuggling into her neck, "you know I'm coming back after killing a women, she said that she will give me her body if I didn't kill her, do you think I will touch someone else except my princess hmm?"she gulped shooking her head aggressively, her eyes again flowing unstoppable tears just like before.

He wiped her tears, he glanced at the clock, "it's time for you to sleep isn't it?"jack asked, kissing her cheeks.

He made her stand, removing his blazer, she immediately started going backwards shooking her head, "don't you dare to run"said jack, showing his index finger to her.

But she immediately ran away, he groaned following her behind, y/n tried to open the door, but it was locked, she screamed watching him coming towards her with an axe in his hand, she opened the window jumping off from there.

She pressed desperately the elevator's button as she was looking behind again and again, and she saw him coming to her, the elevator opened, she immediately went inside, the elevator was about to close, but stopped in between by his axe.

And he entered inside with her, jack pinned her on the steel wall, keeping the axe on her neck, he leaned forward to kiss her.

But she bent down, going from down, she immediately left the elevator, he followed her behind, she ran into the stairs, going down hurriedly, he groaned when the axe fell from his hand.

But he still followed her with his full force, her eyes flowing tears, she is breathing heavily, after she got out of the apartment, she ran fastly, but he still chased her.

She ran and ran, with her whole being, but he was getting closer to her, she screamed fastening her pace, Jack's jacket hat and mask everything is gone, but he is still running after her.

She stopped Infront of the river falling on her knees, as she ran a lot, she was breathing heavily, watching the view of the river.

And there he stood beside her, staring her, they both breathing heavily, as jack stood Infront of her, he bent down to her, and a knife fell from his pocket.

She immediately grabbed it, keeping it on his neck, but he smirked, "stab me princess you already stole my heart now stab my neck so I can keep it as a love bite from you"she screamed being disgusted at his talks.

But his eyes widen, when she kept it on her neck, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!"jack yelled, going forward to her, she screamed warning him to not come forward.

"You can't hurt yourself only I have the rights, now remove it from your neck it will hurt LISTEN TO ME!!"jack yelled again, trying to go to her.

She shooked her head, "okay you want me to leave you then I'm going, but don't hurt yourself hmm!"jack said, softly, y/n slowly removed the knife from her neck.

And he immediately snatched it from her hand, throwing it on the river, he slapped her face harshly, "DON'T YOU DARE TO DIE!!!"Jack yelled on top of his lungs.

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