Sweet-bitter relation

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The club seemed chaotic. People were drown in the drinks, dancing with the beat of music. Some came there to drink for forgetting their stress. Some came there to have fun.

Lorenzo made his way towards the counter of drinks through crowds followed by his 3 friends. Loosing his tie, he plopped himself on a seat.

"What would you like sir?" The bartender asked out of nowhere arranging his glasses where as his head were bobbing up and down with the beat of music.

"As usual." Came his deep voice. His eyes were closed but girls present there were still trying to reach him.

"As you wish." With that he started pouring few shots.

"Bro, Let's have some fun." His friend Ryan spoke looking towards dancing people on stage.

"No. Not today Ryan." Lorenzo grunted chucking the shots one by one.

"C'mon Enzo. You always tells this. " His another friend Alexander whined joining the shots.

Suddenly Simon, his 3rd friend shook his head."You seem off today. What's the reason?" Simon's tone wasn't normal rather it was lacing with concern.

His question made Enzo (Lorenzo) look towards his friend. He stared his friend's eyes who were already looking at his demanding for an answer. He kept staring at Simon thinking whether he should speak about it or not.

"It's nothing." Enzo shrugged his shoulders getting back to drink whereas his mind was displaying images of the girl who saved him yesterday night.

"Something - Something...I know." Alexander spoke smiling sheepishly at Enzo.

"C'mon bro tell already. We know you are hiding something." Came the voice of hiccuping Ryan who is always first to get drunk out of 4 friends.

Immediately Alexander face snapped towards Ryan. His nose flared in anger and he gave a light hit on Ryan's head. "You brat! I already told you not to drink more than 4 shots."

"B-But I drank only two." Ryan spoke innocently still chucking the drink and showing his two fingers.

"Now don't tell me, you forgot counts."

" I know counts. I didn't forgot." Ryan spoke with his twitched brows looking directly towards Alexander defending himself.

Alexander (Xander) raised his one eyebrow,"Is that so? Then start counting."

"One.........Four......six.....seven......eight.......ten......and atlast TWO!!!"

Hearing him, Xander shook his head in disbelief. "You are really drunk. You fucking drank 7 shots who can't even bear 4. Now as usual I have to take you your home and get my ass whoop by your mother with her favourite red slippers along with you."

"But I-I did-" Ryan was immediately cutted by Simon. "Shut up you bitches. Let Enzo speak." Hearing him, both sealed their mouth and now everyone was looking towards Enzo who was too deep in thoughts to pay heed to his surrounding.


Enzo immediately snapped away from his thought hearing Xander.

"Y-Yes. What?"

All of stared intensely at him making him chuckled .

"Oh that...Don't get shock okay?"

All of them nodded .

"Dad is tyna getting me married."

"WHAT?!" They all shouted in unison making him chuckle again. "I already told you don't be shock and please small your eyes otherwise it will pop out."

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