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Ananessa shouted furiously. Her chest was heaving up and down due to anger and both palms were folded in fist making her knuckles white.  Her eyes were directly looking at her mother holding anger.

Rose sighed and further spoke," Listen carefully, this engagement is really necessary. We want to stay in 'good list ' in the eyes of Massimos. I could deny it but it was that Massimos are our dear friend and this organisation,Cosa Nostra is share of both Vastellos and Massimos."

Ananessa brows furrowed," What? For the sake of your friendship, you are marrying me off? If this is just for the sake your friendship,then there are your sons aswell.. why me?"

Rose immediately shook his head," They wanted to marry their son!"

" Why son? Why not daughter? Their three daughters are even elder than that Lorenzo guy. Anyone of those three can be married to these many sons of yours"

Rose raised her brows and spoke," First of all, they are not only my son's but also your brothers. Second, They have only son Lorenzo, and according to them he is a brat like he loves spending a lot of money on his own self, he roam here and there like an orphan even when he is going to be next leader from Massimos. So, according to them, if he is engaged then he will not be like some irresponsible fool moving his legs here and there."

Ana whined hearing Rose," B-But he is a brat right? So why!"

Rose smiled," He is brat not bad...
And brat doesn't me he will not care about you. I can promise you . He will keep you happy."

Saying, Rose looked at Ana who didn't said anything so she continued..
"And.... It's just an engagement baby not marriage. After 2-3 years of engagement, if you feel like you don't wanna live with him forever then it can be broken. But if you decide to continue it then may be after 10 years you can get married to him .. Just give it a chance. Do not go to the conclusion before jumping into the experiment.."

Ana atlast mumble a okay standing from her seat.

The argument between Rose and Ana was going from 1 hour before and Ana being fed up agreed.

But she failed to notice the change in expression of Rose from serious to jolly when she agreed.


"B-But how?" Lorenzo asked being frustrated!

His three friends shook their heads in disbelief..

"Are you serious Enzo? Just what you have to do is go to her, say sorry, give her flowers and that is it." Simon spoke in duh tone.

Lorenzo raised a brow at him.." What do you think,huh? That I will go to her, say sorry, give flowers and she will be like..'oh my god! How romantic! It's okay I forgive you!' ...Is it that easy bro?"

Alexander whispered a yes making Lorenzo brows creased.

"What? How I would feel that time? Is it none of you all concern? You think, I would able to do all of it smoothly when few days back I hurted her!"

Ryan chuckled and spoke looking at Lorenzo," Bro, who even told you to hurt her? "

Enzo shook her head, " Nope. I didn't really knew that she was that ...eiisaa..anessa...or whatever her name is..!"

Simon sighed frustratedly," Enzo, If you are not so happy with the engagement,then you don't need to say sorry to her..Then why are you so desperate to say sorry?"

"Oopsie" Alexander mouth formed a sheepish smile. "Isn't it obvious that our Enzo is in loooooovee~"

"Shut up! It's just I need to work things out.."

_Ananessa_[ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now