He is a Devil

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"You." "Why is it only you here?"
You looked around the bar. This motherfucker was alone for sure.

"You are coming..." He spoke in a mocking tone, "Maybe if you don't put on too much makeup you won't miss him. He just left."

"What? I don't." You did put a little makeup on. Was it so obvious? "Well, then." What's the point of being here if you can see the man? You felt like stupid dog.

He just lured you with bones and you were coming, wagging your tail. This man was really getting on your nerves.

"Come on, have a seat. Join me for a drink." He poured a cup in front of you, "He will come back if I call. I'm too drunk to drive anyway."

"No, thanks." You did not believe him. Not a slightest bit.

"Then it's your loss.." He snickered.

"What's so funny?" You said, annoyed with his mockery, "And how could it be my loss?"

"He left his wallet here." Taehyung pressed his finger tip on top of the wallet. It was indeed Jungkook's wallet. You went out several times with him. You know what it looks like.

"I'll stay for half an hour." You looked around the club. The guard didn't let you in. Only after you mentioned Taehyung's name, he do so.

You glanced at Taehyung several times. His eyes never left the dance floor. Clearly he was enjoying those girls rolling their bodies there.

You grabbed the cup and finished them in one go. The alcohol was quite strong for you.
It didn't taste good. You never liked them.
He chuckled and poured more to your glass.

"Have more, loosen a bit." He is a devil and he knows it.

You drank them without saying another word.
He was amused by how easily he could stir up your mood. Few drinks and you already lost your hostility towards him.

"I'm pathetic..." Your head was resting on the table. He could see your neck as your hair fell forward, "I like him.. I like him so much, I can't even think straight. Maybe he can't be with me ever. He just loves Yerin very much. So damn much." The way his eyes were following wherever she went, "I'm an idiot.."

"Yes you are." You poured another liquor to your glass. The color was really pretty. You raised the glass and observed them closely.

You were drunk.. you realize that but your head was really numb and you can't pull yourself together. This guy probably threw your body under the bridge after this. It was a possibility that was most likely to happen. He was very heartless. Very very much.

"Stop. It's already your limit."

Taehyung took your drink but you grabbed his glass and drank them instead. Ah, it was sweet. You scrunch your nose as the taste goes down, "You will regret this later." He gave up. He was highly unmotivated to stop you, if you want to drink he will let you be.

"More than regretting the fact that I can't have Jeon Jungkook? I'm looking forward to that.." You giggled. Banging the table as if it was really funny.

"Don't be stupid.." "It is him who lost his chance to.." He looked at you up and down, "Whatever you are." You were really pretty to his eyes. Not this drunk state messy hair and red puffy face now.

"You.. you and your attitude makes me sick." You pointed at his chest, "I don't like you. You." "Scumbag.."

"Am I now?" You were indeed always bitter to him. Like he could tell you didn't like him to be around. But this was new.

"Not now. You always are. Why are you so cruel to your own sister?" Yerin is the cutest friend ever. You met Yerin in Junior High School. She always speaks about her brother and a friend of his. The three of them were inseparable. Yerin was being spoiled by her brother and his friend. The two of them were taking her wherever they went. He was pampering her and doing all the stuff for her.

That kind of affection warms your heart. Their relationship was making you jealous. The closeness and everything..

You didn't have that with anyone. Not even your own sister. People always think you are hard to reach. Yerin was the only one who talked to you, treating you nicely. She was sweet like that. You love her dearly.

And that friend of this lunatic bastard here ..
Jeon Jungkook.

"Let me carry her for you, Mr Kim." His guard offered the help, if one of the girls he hung out with passed out, Taehyung usually tasked him to bring the girl to the hotel.

"Do you have a death wish?" Taehyung asked
The guard quickly lowered his head.
Taehyung took you to his own hotel room since he didn't think you should go back drunk. Knowing your family will make a big fuss.

You were uncomfortable, you aware that he didn't take you back, but you couldn't careless
You can't even remember many hurtful words you throw at him. All just came out smooth like butter from your mouth.

Taehyung glanced at your figure on his arms.
For a moment he thought you were awake, your eyes were trailing his figure.

"What are you looking at?" He snorted.
Keeping his attitude.

"You." Forcing your eyes to stay open, "If you are not such an ass, you look quite handsome." That sharp jaw, his high bridge nose, perfect eyebrows and those eyes...

He smirked, "Now that's a fact." You weren't aware of your own effortless charm to him.
All this adult-like dress to show off your figure to Jeon Jungkook. It made him upset. You never bother to impress him. He carefully placed you on the bed, your face was only an inch away. Intensely staring at each other.

"I've never been kissed before..." You traced his lips with your cold fingers. His stare went darker. If it was not an invitation, he did not know what it was.

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