The Sisters

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Yerin tied her hair up.

She was recently getting mature and prettier.

She has a reason.. Yerin was secretly dating his brother's best friend. His brother did not know about this fact.

"Come on, it's been so long since the last time you stopped by!" Yerin persuaded you to go to her house. After starting high school you found your passion in study so you spend more time with books and stuff, "I have something to do."

"Can you just delay them one time for me?"

"Where is Jungkook oppa?" You only met him one or two time since they started seeing each other. Sometimes he picked her up after class.

Jungkook was working with his dad.

He was ...

"He is busy today.. Let's go. I'm buying you a sweet treat. What do you think?"

"Alright, only two hours, ok?"

"Yes!" She squealed in happiness.

The Kim family mansion was renovated last year. Yerin gave away her princess bed and changed the whole furniture.

"I barely recognize your house anymore." They changed everything.

"Yeah, my mom is easily bored these days. My dad has to keep her entertained."

"He did it again. Ugh, I swear everything in my life is getting better, only my brother is able to ruin it." She groaned, "He ate my snacks too!!! I'm soo done with him! Why can't he leave me alone!!!" She was frustrated. You chuckled, it seems like Taehyung made trouble again for his sister. He was meaner and meaner year after year.

At first you thought he was showing his affection to Yerin in a different way.

Maybe his ego was higher, and he can't properly show his good side to her.

But now, he never stops. He kept bullying Yerin every time he had a chance. They were fighting all the time. And at this point you can't take his side and start hating his gut, too.

"You are home." Taehyung went down from the second floor. He wore his tie. You did not greet him. Looking at him will annoy you.

"Why did you eat my snacks? I keep them for Y/n !" She planned to eat it with you.

"It's not me." Taehyung shrugged.

"The crumbs are all over your mouth, you have the audacity to speak the opposite!" Yerin chased after him.

"It's just a snack. Ask Jungkook to buy you another one." Taehyung glanced at you.

When was the last time he saw you? You have grown up pretty well. Now you were not so little anymore.. that time, he pushed away every bad thought, he was way older.

He bothered his sister so that she will tell her best friend about him.

"That's my brother's car. He picks you up again today? He is more devoted than Jimin." In his busy days Jimin will send his driver instead.

"He just told me he will." You bid her good bye. Entering the car.

"Jimin's driver is here?" He asked seeing Yerin was still talking with Jen.

"Yes. She just doesn't want to go back yet." Taehyung rolled his eyes before driving off, "Do you want to eat something? Have you eat lunch?" He asked.

"I did." Jen treated both of you nice meal during lunch time. She was upset with her boyfriend so she wanted to spend his money.

"Good.." He glanced to the hand in your lap, "Um.." Lacing them with his fingers, Taehyung cleared his throat, "You seem cold.."

"I'm not." His grip was tight, "Hm?" You looked up to him. He was clearly enjoying it.

So you let him.

 "Are you tired?" He asked softly. 

"A little."

"Let's ride home then. I have meeting in afternoon. I probably can't accompany you dinner." His palm was big and warm. You felt butterfly on your stomach.

"It's okay.. you don't have to eat with me everyday.." The fact that he tried more than he should made you uncomfortable. However it was nice that someone remembers you.

"I want to.." He smile.

Taehyung brought your bag on his shoulder. It was kinda cute on him. You didn't tell him, he will say something like "Everything will look good on me." shit.

The maid greeted both of you.

"Your sister is here, Miss.."

"My sister?" The maid nodded, "She is just arrived an hour ago and resting in her room now." Your sister was taking care the company branch aboard. She was living the best of her life. Why did she suddenly go back?

"Okay.." You never have a close relationship with her. Since you were younger, you didn't know what to do. Taehyung read your face. You didn't seem happy. Six years back, Yerin always screamed that she want a big sister just like yours. He thought your sister must be cooler than him. Not cooler by looks but maybe she hung out with her little sister often.

"If you are tired you should rest first. Make Y/n her dinner and deliver to her room." Taehyung ordered the maid.

"Yes, Mr Kim." The maid excused herself.

Taehyung walked you to your room.

Your sister room was across yours. You wondered why did she come back.. She left for years. She never bothers to call your mother. She always had something to busy with.

"Have a rest.."

Haeyoung heard voices in front of her room.

She heard the male talked as well.

Who knows in this small world? Her timid sister able to get herself pregnant with a man like Kim Taehyung. She heard about him along with Park Jimin. Two dragons in one city.

She failed to get Park Jimin's attention back then. She wasn't hoping much tho.

Her mother had been asking if she was seeing someone. There is no one. She had no time for love life in order to make her company successful. Meanwhile here, her sister just whoring around and she will get more than what she had been work on her entire career?

Isn't it ironic?

"B.. big sis?" Taehyung was about to kiss you and she came out from her room.

"Don't you have respect for your big sister? Why didn't you greet me right away after you come back?" Her eyes were sharply looking at you. Tch, compare to her you were only a child!

"My fiancé does not have to greet anyone if she doesn't feel like it." Taehyung dislike how your sister looked down at you. She was underestimating you. She wasn't loving sister at all, it was a rivalry.

"You got yourself quite a man." She smirked, "Kim Taehyung-sii, we meet few year ago. Don't you remember me?" She greeted him.

"I have bad memories for ugly face.." 


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