Abort the Baby

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"I'm not marrying you!!"

He must be losing his freakin mind, how could he come up with such a thought! Not once it crossed your mind to marry him. You will do anything except that! You hit him again, "I'm going to abort it and that's final! You can't change my mind!" To be connected with him for the rest of your life, you just got goosebumps by the thought.

"You carry my child." He spoke in the most calm manner.

"Could you not say it casually?" He said it like you were doing it voluntarily, "I don't want this. I don't want your baby!"

"It is innocent." His tone was rather gentle than his usual nature, "You can hate me. But the baby is innocent.." He repeated.

You lowered your head, he is right. It is indeed innocent.. It is alive and you can't just take it life.. It was a terrible thing to do..

You started to cry. You had been thinking a lot of terrifying things to handle it. To get rid of it.

You were even worse than Taehyung.

Seeing you cried so much he figured you must be scared. You were only twenty. You had a lot of things ahead of you. To experience this might not be pleasant to you.

"Give birth to the baby. If you don't want it. I will raise it myself." He said to soothe your nerves.

Taehyung stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant. It was two in the afternoon. He's hungry and upset.

"Huh? Why are you stopping here?" It was one of the famous restaurants in the city.

"It's lunch time." He stepped out from the car and opened the car door for you who was in daze. Your frown got deeper, "You want to go to the bureau with me? I don't mind that, too." Even better.

"No, I don't want to." You shook your head.

"Then let's have lunch. I'm starving." He was waiting in front of the college for two hours. He was fucking starving.

"I don't have much appetite.." And you kept throwing up after a meal. You did not want to show him that.

Enough embarrassment for today.

"Then you can watch me eat. I will drive you back after that." He chose a private area.

"I can just take-'' He tilted his head, "I will wait." You changed your words obediently.

Taehyung ordered several dishes. It smells very good. Your stomach growled.

"It's a light meal. Try to eat some, you can't starve even if you don't have an appetite. I will bring you to our family doctor and let him check up on you."

"It's not necessary. I went to the doctor and she said it's normal for the first semester."

"Is that so?" He didn't force you anymore, you ate some small bite.

"This one is tasty!" You like sour dishes the most. You took some more on your plate.

"Eat carefully, nobody is going to take it away from you." A minute ago you said you had no appetite, now you were clearing the plate. It was just the dishes that suited your taste. You ate quietly.

Taehyung put the dish you like on your plate.

He was eating quietly too as he stole glances at you. When he did you raw, it occurred to his mind of this result. It was not a big chance, but indeed it was not zero chance as well.

"Ah.. exc-" You covered your mouth with your palms. You ate too happily that you forgot this stupid pregnancy effects. You rushed to the restroom. Taehyung followed you from behind.

He heard you were throwing up in one of the stalls. You left the door open.

He entered the restroom and held your hair carefully. Preventing it from getting dirt.

"Does this always happen every time you eat?" You nodded, your face was a bit flustered after throwing up. You washed your mouth. A bit embarrassed that you had to do it in front of him.

"Thank you.." The two of you went back to the table but you didn't eat anymore. He paid for the meal and drove you back to your family residence. You did not know what to say to him

"I have to leave the city for a few days. I'll be back soon. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. I'll get it arranged."

"Okay." It was nice. Very nice.

"Don't have a weird idea of aborting the baby. Let's talk later after I come back." He warned.

"Stop saying it, someone will hear you." You looked around cautiously.

"If you act stupid behind my back. I'll get back at you later and you won't like it."

"Whatever." You thought he could behave like a nice person, you regretted the idea of marrying him sounds so tempting even for a minute.


"Now I know it's my brother, I want to kill him even more.." Yerin cursed. He could hurt her bully her as much as he wants but sleeping with her best friend, he was out of line!

"Get into the line because i plan to murder him myself." You did not know what he really thought about the pregnancy, all he said he would be responsible for it.

She's confronting you after the small meeting with Taehyung, you finally admitted that it was her brother, "Was it when you started to behave weird? Avoiding us and all?"

"Yes.." You had nothing to hide anymore.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't want anyone to know at all. I hate your brother so much for bullying you."

"He is a jerk.. I understand.. but don't you want to keep it? He is jerk but also right, the baby is innocent.." You are usually very soft and gentle. She didn't think you had a thought to abort it.. but again it was your life that will change within a few months.

"I don't know.. My parents don't know yet, I don't think they can accept this." To hear their lovely and obedient daughter was pregnant, they could go crazy.. You never caused trouble for your parents.

You were always listening to them.

"Let's sue my brother instead. I don't mind. Let's sue him!!!"

"I don't want to make this big.. Besides, this is very embarrassing to me. Getting pregnant before marriage." What will people say? What will her family say?

"I'm sorry.." She hugged you tightly. "But when did you meet him?" The two of you were not close. You hate her brother, she knows that for sure.

"Jungkook texted me to come to a club.. but he already left when i arrived. There was only Taehyung there." Like he was waiting for his prey. You.

"Oh, that's weird.. Why would Koo text you if he left before you arrived?" That time you did not think it was weird at all, now after Yerin pointed that to you. It was indeed strange. You replied to his text saying you were on the way. You were too upset seeing Taehyung alone to notice that.

You bit your lower lip, could it be Taehyung who texted you using Jungkook's phone? Why would he do that? The more you thought about it the more strange it became.


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