You and Taehyung

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You were stomping to your room.

Taehyung was right behind you. Not his first time to enter a 'girl room' but probably the first to enter without a second motive.

What's the first motive anyway?

He was very polite in front of your parents.

Now the two of you were alone, you want to smack his smug face real bad.

Your room was very.. normal. Almost boring, "You play piano?"

"Don't act like you caught a bullet for me! Why would you come here without telling me and arranging dinner with my parents?!"

You hissed at him the moment he closed the door. He didn't even flinch. His guess that you had been bottling up that anger for the last thirty minutes, "You are unbelievable!"

You were tired from your activity today, all you wanted was laying down and resting your legs. It will be harder if your tummy got bigger later.

Taehyung watched your movements carefully. You would not let him enter your room in normal circumstances. Not under the policy he wants but still a win.

"Do you want me to massage your legs?"

"If you keep your hands to yourself, we won't have this situation in the first place."

"I tried, but you are irresistible."

"I can't believe you didn't wear protection!!" You scolded him, you blamed him totally!

"I did wear them." Taehyung smirked.

You looked at his inflexibility, "Then explain to me how I got pregnant!!"

"You kept begging for more so I did it raw." Taehyung answered shamelessly. He ran out of the condoms. He didn't plan to hook up that night. Plus he promised to please you as much as you want. He was just fulfilling his promise.

"I swear I'll kill you with my bare hands!!" You wanna throw hands at him.

"Calm down, you are pregnant.." He supported you carefully.

"Hands off me!" You slapped his hands away. Just looking at him here irritates you.

"Listen to me first." He said calmly.

"Listen to you? You listen to me. I'm not gonna marry you. I. AM. NOT. GONNA. MARRY. YOU!"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Clearly I could settle for more." He said that to annoy you, "Your family isn't as great as some girls i know. In fact if i say i am looking for a wife there will be a line to take that seat." It was true. He was surrounded by many beautiful women. You have seen some. And you were not like his criteria at all.

"Then why didn't you get them pregnant instead!"

"That's not the problem now, isn't it?" "Then what do you want to do? I will listen to you as long as you don't abort the baby.." His change of attitude impressed . Could he be the same person as the guy who always bullies his sister?

"I don't want to marry you." You did not want to marry so early because of pregnancy, not because you had high pride. You were already pregnant without love for this man. At least, you wanted to have the marriage with the man you love.

"Alright, you don't need to marry me.." Taehyung knew what to do to win every war, one step back to one hundred steps forward.

"Is it true?" "You love me?" Your face was reddened as you asked the question. He was very convincing.

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