Sweet Girl

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People had been nonstop sending your family congratulations bouquets for the 'engagement'.

They had no idea how these people found out, but apparently you will marry Kim Taehyung by the end of this year. After the first snow falls.

You called him this morning asking about this. How could all these people know!!

"I'm sorry, your fiancé is famous." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I said I don't want something big. And we only fake it. You agree on it."

"I do. You think I want people to know I'm engaged to you? Your family isn't as great as the Kims ok?" You didn't bother to feel offended by his words. It was true that even though your family was rich, they couldn't be compared to the filthy rich Kim family.

You stole glances at him.

He was reading a magazine calmly on the couch inside your room.

He came a while ago to have dinner with your family. Your mother often invited him for dinner whenever they got home early. They thought you were on good terms with Taehyung, at least it was the impression they had. 

"You would not accept those offers, right?"

"Why? Are you afraid to live under the same roof with me?" He asked without averting his eyes from the magazine. Taehyung was living back and forth in Yerin's apartment and hotel, wherever he pleased. So your mother offered him to stay in your residence while he took care of his business here.

"Are you kidding? I'm thrilled. I could strangle you while you are sleeping."

"What nice words to say." He snorted.

"Don't you dare to accept that offer. You will sleep on the floor." He is so annoying.

"Why are we acting like strangers? I've seen all of you. I missed nothing." Not this kind of familiarities you want.

"Could you stop, oh my God."

"I'm moving in. You should empty one of your closets for me. The bed is big enough for both of us." He winked at you.

"Hell." You swore you throw up a little in your mouth. Like you will have him!

And he really moved on the next day. Not in your room. Your mother arranged a guest room for him. Your parents were rarely home during the day or to have dinner with you so it was a relief that Taehyung will accompany you from now on.

"Where are we going now?" He picked you up after college.

"Shopping. Since I'm having my own closet, I could use some new suits. Mother in-law is very generous." All the things he likes, after all he was from Kim family, your mother treated him nicely. Very nice.

"Why didn't you buy your own place?" You sure he had the money, and wouldn't he will be happier with no one around to suppress his adventures self.

"If I do, will you move in with me?" He had a thought of it. But still he had to step carefully, not to break any he arranged so careful.

"Don't get such a weird idea." No way, no fucking way.

"That will be fun..." To come home and someone was there waiting ( cursing ) at him.

Taehyung pulled you up to the store.

It's a baby store.

"Why are we here?" You groaned

"Nothing. Just look around." There were plenty of things to see. You never see so many baby stuff at the same time, "There are tons of this. What is this for?"

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