Complete Family

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You were sitting in the study room.

Thinking about Yerin's word, to call off the engagement. No matter how much you think of it. It was a good thing to do..

"I've no been looking for you all around the house." Taehyung just arrived home twenty minutes ago. He went bath and knocked your room, no one answered. The maid didn't see you after dinner either. But the car and the driver said you did not leave the house.

"Oh, i am reading a journal."

"How about dinner outside again tomorrow." It must be boring when you were alone..

He tried come back as soon as he could but there was some days he couldn't go back early, "What do you want to eat?"

"No need, let's just eat at home.."

"Do you want to go somewhere, I'll take you after work. Ok?" He persuaded you. You didn't seem in good mood.


"Hm?" He tilted his head to look at your face better, "What happened?" Something was off with you. Taehyung hid his nervousness.

"Can you stop telling everyone we engaged?" Like literally everyone he met.

"Why? Someone had to know I'm taken now." He agreed to keep them secret. But every time he met his friends he just introduced you as his fiancé right away.

"I am thinking.. Do you mean it when you say you will keep the baby with you.."

".. Yes..." 

"If the mother doesn't want to keep her, it's natural if the dad takes her in, right? Someone should." His tone was calm, but inside, he was in chaos, he thought you get rid of that thoughts, "Beside, she is probably the only grandchild my mother will get from me." Yerin's child would carry Park family name. The baby in your stomach would carry Kim family name. It was actually felt like burden now. 

"Why? You would never get marry?" This whole pretend engagement thing was getting in to you. If you be with him little longer, you afraid you might lean on him. It was better if you two separate ways. But to your surprise, he didn't interest to get marry? Him?

"I'm not good with keeping people around." He lowered his head, like you now, slipping away from him, too, "Don't worry, I'm handsome. Even I don't get marry i could have dozen mistress." He shrugged. He didn't want you to feel bad, "But if you change your mind, i will marry you." "My daughter will have her complete family. It would be nice."

That image shattered just now, "So.. you want to end it here?" He promised you he will agreed whenever you want to quit.

You should have never agree to this.

Taehyung carried your stuff back to your room. You were waddling like penguin. A cute one. 

"Oh, i hate myself.." You were frustrated.

You were six to seven months pregnant,  In a short span of time, your belly grew big and bigger.

"Me too." He shrugged. 

Taehyung wondered if it would be different if he insisted to have an engagement celebration. The two of you announced the engagement and marriage, the two of you were expected to marry around this time. He had been stalling Mrs Kim's questions about the marriage arrangement. How could he tell her that the bride did not plan to attend?

Though.. It would be nice if the two of you stay together to raise the baby as he said. 

You asked yourself countless of time today if you wanted that..  As much as you dislike Taehyung, you used to have him to assist you anywhere now.

Either it was the child inside you or it was your own feelings, you grew attachment to him.

Taehyung stared at your face. Clearly you had a hard battle inside. 

"Don't think about it anymore. Go to sleep. I will wait until you fall asleep." You were still all busy with college. You could have taken a year off but you decided not to. Some days were better than the others.

"I couldn't sleep." You were all tossed and turned on the bed. Taehyung, who was originally sitting on the couch, got up to console you.

"Let me rub your back.." You easily got tired on the back as your tummy got bigger, "Does it feel better?"

"Yes.. Thank you.." You turned around to find he was staring closely at you. They spent a lot of time together. She was drawn by him. How long she could put her guard up when he was slowly taking her heart into his world.

He wasn't.. as harsh as he showed to everyone.

Sure he was still a jerk. But you had whole point of view now. And it was simply nice to have him with you. All the time.

Taehyung slowly leaned forward, you tightly closed your eyes. Waiting for him to kiss you. Did you want it? Did you like him now? Were she finally accepting him?

The kiss was gentle. You forgot about anything else and focused on the kiss. The kiss he kept to himself for a really long time...

His fingers were brushing your face in the most delicate touch. There was no sign of rejection, so he deepened the kiss. The more he tasted your sweetness, the more he got addicted to it. And you just follow his lead. You are a natural. Fast learner if he may say.

He tugged your shirt. His hands were roaming on your skin. He tempted to take this further. 

You made the most iewd sounds to his ears.

"I've never been kissed before.." that night..

Pulling yourself together, you pushed him away in embarrassment.

"Please.. stop.." You kissed him back.. you did that.. now you were too embarrassed to look at him on the face.

Taehyung lifted up your chin, tracing your lips with his thumb; he tempted to kiss you again. Seeking the answers for his questions

"I won't hurt you.. ever." He spoke softly.

Deep down you know that, too..

Hiding your blushing face. What did you do?

Why did you kiss him back? Y/n you are so done. He will make fun of you more now.

Taehyung had a little smile on his face.

He found you very adorable just now. He could still taste your lips on his.


"Miss, madam, ask if you want some fruit?" The maid knocked on the door.

"Uh.." You freeze on the spot.

Taehyung caressed your face, "Yes, thank you." He answered the maid. You were always hungry so your mother often asked the maid if you needed some midnight snacks.

"How unfortunate.." He chuckled.

"It's late. You should go back to your room. " You said, it was too embarrassing. You had his baby, but beside that night. You never kissed or touched this way.

"I guess I have to.." He was kinda expecting you to slap his face. But he liked this result, too.

It's not like their relationship will quickly escalate to something.

They were still long to go. You couldn't sleep the whole night. Damn it. On the other side of the room. Taehyung was also smiling widely. They were moving forward.


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