Delicate Pregnancy ( 2 )

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"Where are you going now?" "Why can't you stay still?" Taehyung can't get enough to scold you. He just returned from outside and you are already dressed up. Doctor told you to take it easy but he thought you did not heat that at all. 

"I'm going to college. It's the last day before the holiday." "Can you help me with the shoes?" It's kinda hard to bend now.

Taehyung scrunched down in front of you, tying your shoes lace. He mentally wrote a note on his head to remind him to buy you a slip on shoe. He can't risk you tying the shoes when he is not around to help, "Thank you.."

"Eat before we leave." He'd get ready while you are eating.

"What do you buy?" He's surely a devoted person. Now you see what Jungkook means by being in good hands.

Sometimes Taehyung woke up very early to buy you breakfast. Usually he gets people to prepare your meal. His mother strictly said that you should eat a healthy meal during the pregnancy. Moreover you had a weak body. So everyone was very worried about you.

"Frog Porridge." Last night you said you wanted to eat something like that, he had to get them quite far.

The tasty one that you usually like.

"I don't feel like it this morning."

"..." "Is that so?" "What do you wanna have then?" He asked, he's frowning.

"I craved some crispy sweet sour pork.." You have that in your dream and wake up drooling.

"It's still morning.." He chuckled. 

"I know right? Tsk, this baby." You could not hold the smile, you were only teasing him.

"I'll pack you some omelet." He could make that. Simple and delicious.

"It's okay, I'll grab something from the cafeteria." Perhaps one big burger can relieve your crave now.

"So today is the last day of uni? You won't go out again ?"

"I guess..." "Do you plan to get me locked up here?"

Taehyung gave it a thought, what should he make you busy with? There's no way you would calmly do nothing. He should ask Yerin to stay with you. The two of you could do things together.

"I'll pick you up after. Don't go anywhere by yourself." Your stomach is big now. He bet that must be uncomfortable. On the other hand, you look really beautiful.. Your skin is glowing. They said pregnancy with a girl showed on the mother. He guesses that's right.


Yerin saw you heading to the class. Taehyung texted her earlier today, leaving a bunch of exclamation marks. That she should accompany you, paying attention to you and all.  But she just came to the university now. 

She just never expected her brother could be very.. very.. intense as a lover. She wondered if he let you breathe when the two of you were together.

"Y/n!" She waved her hands to greet you.

"Oh.. Yerin.."

Was it just her or were you a bit paler than usual?

You went to the college and did your activities here and there, back and forth.  Around midday you felt your stomach hurt. Hurt so bad you can't stand.

"Y/n." Yerin caught your back. Oh God her heart flipped for a sec to see you tilt like almost fall.

"My stomach.. Does not feel well, Yerin.." "Could you help me to call Taehyung..?" You were whimpering. It was really painful.

"Y/n..." Yerin's eyes widened.

There's blood streaming down your legs.

"Holy shot," Jen cursed. She also quickly support your body. It's hella scary. 

Yerin quickly called an ambulance and informed Taehyung. He was leisurely doing his work in the office when he received her call.

Don't let anything happen to the baby, don't let anything happen to her..

He prayed as he drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

Your parents were also coming as quickly as they could. Your mother arrived first.

The doctor said you were too tired and didn't have enough rest. She shouldn't be doing much activity anymore. This was not the first time you had bleed in your fifth month pregnancy. Taehyung was very angry at you at that time. You just didn't want to listen and keep doing your stuff.

Now it happened again.

"Y/n.." Seeing your eyes flickered open. Yerin quickly went to your side, "Do you feel better?"

"It hurts.." You cried.

Taehyung's eyes were cold. His gaze met yours.

"Leave, Yerin. Nobody entered until I said so." After the operation was done, Taehyung told your parents to go back first, both of your  mom and dad were devastated. They haven't met you since you move in with Taehyung.  

Yerin and him were waiting for you here.

She thought she saw her brother in everything, however hearing you almost lost the baby made him lose his cool face.

He was genuinely scared to lose both of you.

"Brother." Yerin is afraid Taehyung will scold you.

"Get the hell out." He snapped.

You rubbed her belly. The baby was okay.

The doctor strictly said there will be no the third time. You could lose the baby for real if you keep insisting on wandering around. Your pregnancy was weak since the beginning. 

Taehyung palmed your forehead. He didn't say anything. He was just quietly staring at your weak body.

"How do you feel..?" He asked softly.

"I'm scared.." You cried.

"I know.." He wiped your tears, "You are the baby itself.. always crying.." He cooed.

Taehyung could not take his eyes off you like if he blinks you'll disappear.

"Stop crying will you? It's okay now.. You only need to rest.. I'll arrange for a nurse to stay with you at home. You have to stay in bed."


"Hmm?" He held your hands, lacing your fingers with his. 

"If.. if something happened to the baby.. Will you leave me?" You cried. Seeing a pool of blood under you. The thing on your mind is that only Taehyung will leave if you don't have the baby.

"Are you an idiot?"

Because you just realized the idea of being with him was in your future plan now.

"I'm not staying because of the baby. I'm staying because I love you."


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