Chapter 46 - About to dream again

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"I think that's, what, 15 points for us and negative 3 for you guys?" Karl said with a bright smile, high-fiving Marisol on his way to get the ball.

"I still don't think tackling you deserved that big of a penalty." Sapnap rolled his eyes, doing kick-ups with the ball instead of returning it to Karl.

"Attempts to cause bodily harm are a 5 point deduction- each." Jen called out from her place on the porch swing, her book still in her hand.

"Dumb rule, if you ask me." Ben grumbled, crossing his arms.

"Well, I like the-"

"Andrew's back!" Ben interrupted Marisol, running towards the driveway, as Andrew and their dad pulled up.

As soon as the car was in park, Andrew got out, dragging his bags behind him. He didn't even try to hide his glare at Sapnap and Karl as he walked past them, blatantly ignoring Ben. Andrew took one look at the steps up to the front porch before groaning, dropping his bags, and laying in the grass instead.

"Was coach Brown really that hard on you?" Sapnap asked, heading over to Andrew. He picked up Andrew's bags, throwing them onto the porch for whenever Andrew decided to get up.

"Fuck you." Andrew grumbled covering his face with his forearm to shield his eyes from the sun.

"Watch your mouth." Their dad warned, walking around them and heading up the front porch to join Jen on the swing.

"What's your deal?" Sapnap asked with a small laugh, sitting in the grass beside where Andrew was laying.

"What the hell did you say to coach that pissed him off so bad? He was brutal and I swear there was a target on my back." Andrew said with another groan, pulling himself up into a sitting position.

Sapnap and Karl exchanged glances, each trying to stifle their laughter. Apparently Karl calling out coach Brown's homophobic jokes got under his skin more than they even realized.

"I'll go grab you some water." Karl said after a second, still trying to cover his smile with his hand. He made his way up the stairs and inside, leaving Andrew and Sapnap alone.

"Sorry about practice." Sapnap gave an ingenuine apology with a smile plastered on his face. He nudged Andrew with his elbow, raising his eyebrows when Andrew still didn't acknowledge his apology.

"Do me a favor and then I'll forgive you." Andrew finally said, a smile growing on his face. Sapnap's smile almost immediately began to fade, unsure of what type of unrealistic favor his brother was going to request.

"What's the favor?" Sapnap asked, squinting his eyes at Andrew.

"Give me $30 and let me borrow your car tonight." Andrew pitched, his smile continuing to grow.

"What for?" Sapnap asked slowly, tilting his head to the side.

"It's the last night of spring break. I want to go see a movie with a friend." Andrew shrugged, looking away as he said 'friend'.

Karl walked down the front steps, two bottles of water in his hands. He still had the same smile on his face as when he left, clearly proud of his actions from earlier. Karl gave a water bottle to Andrew first, who drank it in its entirety in one go, before holding out the other to Sapnap.

"You know who loves movies? Us. How about we go with you and your friend, hmm?" Sapnap said with a smile, accepting the water bottle from Karl. Andrew and Karl both looked at Sapnap in unison, the same puzzled expression on both their faces.

"Oh, actually, uh-"

"Unless maybe this is a friend you'd want to be, oh, I don't know... alone with?" Sapnap lowered his voice before interrupting Andrew, raising his eyebrows a few times at his brother. Karl sat on the bottom step of the porch, still looking a bit confused.

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