Epilogue - And the player was love

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"I can't do this anymore."

"You're seriously giving up? After everything?" Karl uncrossed his arms, holding his hands in tight fists at his sides.

"I don't know what you expect me to say when this clearly isn't working out. Our views are too different, we can't agree on anything, and I'm exhausted, Karl. I'm sorry, but I'm done." Sapnap said through a sigh, roughly running a hand through his hair.

"Don't-" Karl tried to interrupt, but was just a second too late.

Sapnap froze, realization kicking in when Karl's frustration melted away, transforming into a fit of laughter.

"I got your stupid white dove paint in my hair, didn't I? So fucking dumb they call it white dove when it's basically green. I bet if we just stuck with 'eggshell', this wouldn't have happened." Sapnap muttered, pulling his hand out of his hair and heading towards the sink.

"The fact the paint even looks good on your head is just further justification that I'm right about the color though." Karl giggled, hugging Sapnap from behind, while he washed the paint off his hands.

It had been three months since their trip to Texas, the end of July approaching quicker than they expected. Karl came down to Florida to help Sapnap get the unfinished guest room in order before his brothers arrived.

He'd stayed true to his promise, coordinating with Jen to schedule a trip for Ben, Andy, and Cameron to fly out to Florida for a week over their summer vacation.

"I still give up. I mean, I literally can't stand here and compare paint colors with you for another damn minute." Sapnap grumbled, looking to the side to kiss Karl's temple. Karl was resting his chin on Sapnap's shoulder, making faces at him in their reflection.

"Who's gonna stay in this room again?" Karl asked, separating himself from Sapnap to grab a damp washcloth. He started to dab away the almost-dry paint smeared across Sapnap's forehead.

"Well, considering another guest room is right across the hall from this one, I'm guessing either Andy or Cam are going to stay here. Or at least pretend they're staying in this one. God knows they'll be sneaking into the other's room when they think-"

"Cut them some slack." Karl interrupted with a laugh and a light slap to his chest.

Sapnap watched Karl's smile fade into something smaller, but arguably more blissful. He wrapped his arms around Karl's waist, closing his eyes, while Karl continued to wipe the warm washcloth across his face.

It had only been three weeks since they last saw each other, but it seemed like it was getting harder to say goodbye each time. Sapnap tried his best to understand Karl's dedication to Jimmy, but he couldn't help but get a bitter taste in his mouth whenever Karl had to change their plans due to Mr. Beast related filming obligations out of his control.

Karl would come back from trips exhausted, burnt out, and like a piece of himself had been taken away. Sapnap swore the first two days of Karl's visits were solely dedicated to laying in bed and allowing Karl to recharge.

With every trip, it seemed like it took a little longer, like it was getting harder for Karl to get that piece of himself back each time. It made Sapnap anxious, but he knew better than to push that anxiety onto Karl. No matter what, Karl promised that all he needed was time- he needed him and time. Sapnap was happy to oblige, offering Karl refuge in cradled arms and weighted blankets.

This trip was especially hard on Karl. A three day excursion for filming had somehow spiraled into a two week long escapade, half of it spent on planes, and almost all of it spent outside the country. The second Karl stepped off the plane in Florida, Sapnap knew he would be canceling all their plans for the next four days- that was how long he could tell Karl wasn't going to be able to leave bed.

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