Chapter 5: Tell no one that this happened

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Ashley's POV

I looked at the lifeless body of Tristan on the floor. My heart raced, threatening to jump out of my chest.

"I didn't mean to," Waylen whispered as the sudden realization of what he had done finally hit.

I froze on the spot, not knowing how to respond.

"You killed him," I whispered.

Waylen ran his hands through his hair, now pacing the room.

I went to my knees, checking to see if Tristan was still breathing.

It took a while, but I felt his breath fanning against my cheek. I placed his head on my lap and checked to see if he had any pulse. Everything felt normal.

I sighed in relief happy to know that he was still alive.

But I was still not a medical doctor, he needed to get help.

"You need to call the ambulance," I demanded.

Waylen hesitated, staring at the phone on the counter.

"Now," I demanded, snapping Waylen out of his thoughts.

He frantically grabbed the phone from the counter.

"We can't call the ambulance," He spoke.

I looked at Waylen in disbelief. "A man is passed out on the floor, we need to call the ambulance," I tried to reason with him.

"No, no no...." He whispered. "You don't get the seriousness of this situation, imagine what would happen to us, he will throw both of us in prison." He shouted.

As unreal as this situation was, I can't believe he was acting this way.

"What if he dies on us?" I spoke.

"If anyone else finds out about this, who knows what could happen to either of us? You know how powerful he is. Both our lives will be destroyed by the media, we'll never be able to work again. We can't let this get out." He warned.

"This is just your fault, I didn't tell you to punch anyone," I spoke. Why was he involving me in his mess?

"I know you are having an affair with him!" He shouted.

He covered his mouth afraid that people from the outside would hear him.

"You and I are going to cover this whole thing up and make sure that no one ever finds out about this.

I stared at him in disbelief, this couldn't be the same man.

"If this gets out to the media, our lives would be ruined. You know what these powerful men are capable of. He is going to take his revenge out on us, you the law is always on the side of the one with the most power. You know he will bury us alive in this." He continued.

I couldn't understand his logic, a man was laying on the floor nearly dead and this is what he could think of.

"How can you be this selfish, I'm not about to turn myself into a murder," I spoke. "I'm not about to help you in whatever sick game you think you are playing," I added.

I gently moved Tristan's head from my lap. I stood up from the floor. I grabbed the phone from Waylen's hand, ready to make the call.

"If you make that phone call, I promise that I will ruin your life, Ashley." He spoke.

I looked up, his words grabbing my full attention. "You can't do anything to me," I spoke boldly.

"If you make that call, I will tell the police that this was all your fault. That you attacked him after he discovered that you were trying to swindle him and that you are nothing but a prostitute who sells her body to the guests here, that is why you brought me here to try and cover up your mess." He threatened.

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