Chapter 21: How about dinner?

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Ashley's POV

"I'll do it," I answered.

Layla clapped her hands together, her eyes filled with excitement. "Okay, we should get started as soon as possible," Layla said.

She widened the door, allowing me into the suite.

I stepped into the suite.

On the table, a lobster was carefully arranged on the plate, accompanied by expensive French cuisine. Accompanied by an unopened wine bottle and an empty glass.

"We should get started on this as soon as possible. " She paused. "The plan is simple; you just have to destruct him long enough while I do the heavy lifting and get rid of Madison." She explained.

What did she mean by destruct Tristan? I hope it wasn't any of what I was thinking because I wouldn't do that.

"I'll follow along with the plan, but I won't be comfortable with..." I trailed off.

She got what I was thinking.

"Of course not." She answered. "If I thought you could do it, you could have been pregnant by now." She pointed out.

Was that supposed to be an insult? Either way, I was glad it wasn't part of her plan.

"Now, tomorrow at eight o'clock you should come over to my house and we'll be giving you a small makeover." She said enthusiastically.

Wait, tomorrow?

"I can't already be skipping work; I was just appointed," I answered.

"You really don't know how to use an opportunity when you get one, do you?" She sighed. "Just tell him you have morning sickness. If that manager of yours has a problem, we'll just have to get rid of him." She replied nonchalantly.

I hate Marcus but I didn't want anyone to lose their job over this.

"There will be no need for that," I answered.

"Good, I'll send my driver tomorrow morning to bring you to my house. We have a lot of work to do." She spoke. She looked at me again, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Don't you think a makeover would be a bit too much? I don't think it would be necessary," I said.

If anything, a makeover would just make this thing even more suspicious.

She let out another sigh.

"Look here Ashley, you are a beautiful girl. But if we are going to do this, it means that Tristan will have to be seen with you. Right now, I'd be embarrassed to be seen with you." She said.

Another insult. This time it felt like a punch in the gut.

My eyes widened at her words. I didn't have time to fully react to her insult because she was already planning another one.

"What do you wash your hair with? It looks really dry, and so do your lips." She pointed out. "I'll have my driver drop off some things for you. We'll pick this conversation up tomorrow. You should leave first. It's best if people don't see us together." She spoke.

Her comments made me conscious of my appearance. My hair could have used a little more moisture, but it was still perfectly healthy.

I ran my tongue across my lips. All it ever did was prove her point.

"We'll continue tomorrow. You should leave now. I'll leave a little bit later so no one sees us together." She spoke.

I nodded and made my way out of the suite. I checked in all directions before stepping out.

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