Chapter 33: Why would I be mad?

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Ashley's POV

"What?" Mom repeated.

Tristan finally registered as he formed a blank expression.

Katy had already vanished as I heard the sound of soft footsteps in the background.

Mom stared at us, her face confused and demanding answers.

"We are having a baby," Tristan repeated, this time more softly, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Maybe this was the time that I jumped in. I could say that it was a plant baby that we were getting together with or even a puppy. She would be less opposed to that idea. But Tristan beat me to it.

"This was not the way that I intended for you to find out. I probably should have done things a lot better. The pregnancy came as a surprise to us as well." He continued.

There it was, he had done it.

There was no saving me from this situation now.

I stood my ground ready to face whatever it was that mom was about to say next.

I expected her to start shouting or do something that was completely crazy. But instead, she remained frozen as the words slowly sank in.

She had only just met Tristan, she wasn't expecting a grandchild.

She looked terrible, light-headed and dizzy as if she was about to faint as she reached her hand for the wall for support.

I had done it, I was about to kill my mother.

"Mom," I called out moving to her side.

I tried to help her to her feet, but she quickly recuperated.

"I'm fine," she said dismissing my help. She stood up straight to demonstrate that she was fine.

Tristan and I were now more frightened than ever. She looked well enough to murder the two of us.

"I'm going to go upstairs and pretend none of this just happened." She pointed behind her and then slowly walked upstairs, staying close to the wall in case she needed it for support.

She was in her denial phase, which means tomorrow was probably going to be a lot ugly.

It meant that I had the chance to tell her that the whole thing was a prank.

"I messed up, didn't I?" Tristan whispered.

He was doing so well. How did it get this bad?

"You should leave right now," I said pointing to the door.

If I was still alive tomorrow, I was going to strangle him.


Before my alarm had a chance to wake me up, it was the loud noises coming from the kitchen that woke me up.

I examined myself for any possible wounds. I was still alive. I wasn't strangled in my sleep and I definitely had no scars on me. It was a good sign, maybe too good. The fact that I was still alive disobeyed every rule of nature.

Of all the things he could have said. He just had to elaborate that we were in fact having a human baby despite seeing the clear signs on my mom's face that she wasn't happy.

If his face wasn't so perfectly symmetrical and handsome, I would have punched him. I thought I had made it clear enough to him that I didn't want my mom to find out.

She was probably too angry to even get upset.

As always, I had set my alarm for the latest time possible. This meant I was in a rush trying to gather my things and leave the house without crossing paths with my mother. Perhaps this morning she'd finally snap out of it and snap my neck.

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