Chapter 36: Her approval

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Tristan's POV

Arriving at my parent's house has always felt like a huge drag on me, specifically why I made most of my arrivals unannounced, unlike this one, considering I never knew what plan they were hatching up next.

But my visit here today had a purpose, and because of that, every fibre of my being wasn't completely dreading this visit.

The maids greeted me in. I continued walking down the hall, meeting my father in his usual habitat, the bar. He had a drink in his hand, staring worriedly at his phone.

He welcomed me with a weary sigh, and then nodded toward me in acknowledgement. "I wouldn't be anywhere near your mother, if I were you I'd just do everything she says," Dad warned.

"Good evening to you too," I answered sarcastically.

I'd swear that my mother had some super hearing because right at that moment, she walked in.

"Tristan," her eyes widened at me in excitement. She greeted me with a unexpected hug. A wide grin on her face the entire time.

"Honey, why don't you leave that phone of yours? Our son is here, you should spend a little time with him." Mom said.

She made me sound like I was twelve.

"I used to see him every day for twenty years. Wasn't that enough time?" Dad asked looking up from his phone.

"It was just seventeen," I corrected him.

"It was that long?" He chuckled.

This was the reason I spent so much time in therapy.

Maybe I should just make the announcement already and leave.

"Well..." I said, grabbing both of their attention. "I have someone I'd like the two of you to meet," I announced.

They were both quiet, just staring at me like some lunatic. I thought they'd be happy about it, maybe not too happy since the last time I brought someone it was Madison.

"You mean an actual woman can stand to be around you? That hopefully isn't a mad person?" Mom laughed.

I couldn't answer that without saying something that would possible land me in the hospital.

"Maybe you might get the grandchild that you so desperately want." I hinted at it.

Mom continued staring at me as if I'd lost my mind.

"You don't have to try and get my hopes up, I already know that you've insisted on not giving me any grandchildren." She answered.

I wonder where the change in attitude came from. Not too long ago she was ready to pair me up with almost anyone just so I'd have a child.

"We should be happy about this," Dad said. Finally, someone with some reasoning. He walked over to me to pat my back. "If you are really having a baby, I hope that kid ruins your life as you ruined mine," Dad said. He sounded serious. "All the diapers you are going to have to change. Not to mention all the stupid football games you are going to have to attend. Even if they suck you have to support them and keep encouraging them despite knowing how dumb they look running across the field."

"You came to every one of my football games," I reminded him.

He chuckled. "You are old now, you can take it," Dad answered.

"Did I hear anyone mention that I'm going to be a great-grandmother?" Grandma asked as she walked into the room, thanks to one of the maid's help who was holding her hand.

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