Requiem Of The Murderer - The Premises Of Happiness 27

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The original stage play became Zhan Zhao's one-man show, and the students were at a loss. However, because Zhan Zhao was too perfect under the bright chasing light on the dark stage, the students didn't care about any doubts and just watched it seriously.

As soon as Zhan Zhao appeared on the stage, he shook his head, saying that this place was not a school, but a tomb, or a killer's tomb.

The night was quiet and the atmosphere was good. The most terrifying thing in the world is listening to ghost stories alone, and the least terrifying thing in the world is watching a horror movie with a group of people, so the students were holding the fries they had prepared and Coke, with great interest.

Zhan Zhao paused just right, and said, "This place was originally a poor and remote village with few people. Twenty years ago, it was unbelievably secluded."

The classmates looked at each other in dismay, and felt that this was the case. In recent years, there were suddenly more people, mainly for this school.

"Do you like watching movies?" Zhan Zhao suddenly said something, and most of the classmates nodded.

"Have you seen the Peace Hotel?" Everyone thought about it, and most of them nodded. It's an old movie. It's a classic.

"Hey, the story starts here." Zhan Zhao showed a good-looking smile, with a pair of clear cat eyes, which made all the students in the auditorium dizzy.

Bai Yutang saw it in his eyes, shook his head, and Zhao Jue pouted beside him—dead cat, shredding electricity!

Zhan Zhao went on to talk about what he wanted to talk about, "There used to be some killers, um, it was probably twenty years ago, they were trained to perform tasks, some were injured and some died, and suddenly one day, they the little bit of conscience and human nature that had been suppressed in their hearts suddenly awakened. They saw that other women's doubles were full of fathers and sons and filial piety. Are they don't have way back to normal?"

Many students thought Zhan Zhao's statement was interesting, and many laughed.

Zhou Yi, who was sitting in the front row, also laughed, but the smile was so bitter that it tasted like black coffee in his hand. It's really funny. The more real things are, the more funny they are, because most people don't live so real, and life that is too real is destined to be just a joke.

"There are basically three pursuits in a person's life." Zhan Zhao said, "The pursuit of success, the pursuit of freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Among them, freedom is the most basic pursuit. What is the premise of freedom?"

Students with quick brains raised their hands, "Safety!"

"Smart!" Zhan Zhao nodded approvingly, "What's the premise of pursuing success?"

The classmates all looked at each other, whispered and discussed, and then someone answered, "Ability?"

Zhan Zhao shrugged slightly.


Zhan Zhao also shook his head.

Beside the stage, Zhao Jue raised his hand, "Interested."

Zhan Zhao gave him a look of contempt, Zhao Jue pouted, and asked Bai Yutang, "What is it if not interest?"

Bai Yutang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

At this moment, a deep and magnetic voice came from the dark auditorium, and said softly, "Ambition".

Zhan Zhao smiled. He could hear what Bai Jintang said. Sure enough, successful people have a thorough understanding of success.

S.C.I.谜案集第四集 S.C.I Book 4 aka Season 4Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ