Ghost Ship Murderer - Emilia's Resentment 04

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The Emilia, like an angry resentment suddenly awakened, and the people related to her died for the first time in the boundary of S City, but it was not Lin Ruo who directly touched the ship and the skull, but It was Ding Yuan who only provided the boat—some kind of coincidence? Still really connected...

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang had to pay attention to the similar-looking stamp on Ding Yuan's hand and the fact that he drowned.

"Do you want to tell Bao Bureau?" Zhan Zhao asked Bai Yutang

"Wait first?" Bai Yutang thought for a while, "Let's see what Ai Hu and the others have found."

Zhan Zhao nodded.

The two left the underground forensic room and went to the parking lot on the basement floor. They were going to drive straight home.

At this moment, Bai Yutang caught a glimpse of a black car rushing down the speed bump in the parking lot. He instinctively pulled Zhanz Zao—there is something wrong with this car, does it usually go off the speed bump so fast?

Zhan Zhao was pulled by Bai Yutang and felt his nervousness. At the same time, he heard a "bang". The car directly hit a jeep parked on the outermost side, causing heavy losses...

"Ah!" Zhan Zhao was startled, and hurriedly dragged Bai Yutang, "Bao Ju's car was hit!"

Bai Yutang was also full of surprise at this time, but when he opened his mouth, what he said was, "Big Brother?"

Zhan Zhao was stunned for a while, then turned around, only to see that the black car's door was pushed open. Halfway through it, it was stuck because it was twisted. The person in the car kicked the door open in a domineering way.

The first thing Bai Jintang did when he got out of the car was to take off his suit. He threw the suit on the front of the car and pulled his tie to take a breath.

"Big Brother!" Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao hurried over.

Bai Jintang looked back and saw the two of them, and seemed a little surprised.

Bai Yutang stepped forward and pulled Bai Jintang to check, and found that he was not injured. He looked down and saw that the two cars collided badly. Especially the black sedan that Bai Jintang drove just now, was out of shape.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other - what's the situation?

Zhan Zhao leaned over and smelled it. There was no alcohol smell, so he definitely didn't drive because he was drunk.

Bai Yutang didn't understand, "Big brother, what's the matter with you?"

Bai Jintang looked at the two of them and said calmly, "The brakes failed."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang opened their mouths wide, and then heard Bai Jintang say, "The GPS guides the way randomly, and there is something wrong with the steering wheel."

"Ah?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang opened their mouths wide, and the same thought flashed across—what kind of car is this?!

At this time, the two also discovered that this car was not the one that Bai Jintang usually drives.

Bai Jintang usually uses two cars, one is driven by a driver, and the one he uses for work is also responsible for picking up Gongsun. He usually drives a black Mercedes-Benz himself, but he has never seen him drive this smashed car.

"I almost fell into the sea." Bai Jintang seemed confused, "Let Jiang Ping see this navigation."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other, were silent for a while, and asked in unison, "Have you ever touched the Emilia?"

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