The Murderer Who Returns From Hell - The Wheel Of Gale 01

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July 13, 1993.

A small town in the mountains on the border between northeastern Romania and Ukraine was cut off from the outside world because of a tunnel collapse.

The rescuers and the town's police got in touch via wireless telegram.

The first telegram from the police—the food reserves are very abundant, but something is wrong.

As for what's wrong, the police officer didn't say clearly.

On the first day of being trapped, the outside world received two telegrams from the policeman, which said that many people were missing.

On the second day of being trapped, the third telegram was sent—come and save us quickly, he is about to be resurrected.

On the third day of being trapped, the fourth and last telegram—come and save us, he crawled out...

After that, there was no more news.

Three days later, the rescuers finally entered the small mountain village. However... there was no sound in the village, not a single person, not even a dog or a cat... not even a bird flew or an insect called. Deathly silence.

The rescuers searched in the village, but found nothing. They didn't find something strange until they found a church in the northwest of the village.

There is a cemetery behind the church.

Rescuers found that one of the tombs had been dug open, and there was a hole in the coffin board. The coffin was full of sand, and there were traces of fingers or sharp claws scratching all around. The weirdest thing is... the tomb On the nearby muddy ground, there are footprints... or a series of footprints from the tomb. According to the length and size, it is inferred that the footprints should belong to a thin man, or a woman with large feet, or... a juvenile who is not an adult.

The tombstone in front of the tomb is just a snow-white cross, without the owner's name or epitaph.

The entire village and the surrounding forest were searched again, but there was still no trace of a living creature.

Afterwards, the police conducted a series of investigations, but ultimately failed to solve the case.

This mysterious case of disappearance is known as the "Four Telegrams" incident.


Twenty years later, an expedition team composed of scientists and archaeologists once again went deep into this mountainous area to find the truth of the year.

After a week of investigation, everyone found a plantain foundation on the half-hillside of a mountain that was nearly five kilometers away from the village.

In the cave, there are the corpses of all the villagers. After twenty years, they have all turned into skeletons.

Among Bai Sensen's dry bones, there was something that caught the attention of archaeologists.

The bones were not placed randomly, but were regularly arranged in the shape of a cross. In the middle of the cross, there was a curled up corpse.

It was the corpse of a boy who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

The strange thing is that all the other corpses have turned into bones, but his body is only dry and charred.

The corpse is in a bowed posture with its head buried between its legs and its hands wrapped around its knees. The bones twist completely with the pose, forming a wheel shape.

One of the archaeologists, who studies Eastern European customs, took a look at the situation and shouted in surprise, "The Wheel of Gale!"

In 2013, early March.

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