Ghost Ship Murderer - Dead Corpse 03

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Although the email Lin Ruo received was only a short sentence, there was an unspeakable strangeness during the period.

Lin Ruo's friends come from different countries and speak different languages.

After looking at it, Zhan Zhao said with certainty, "It was an email from the same person."

Lin Ruo nodded, "You think so too?"

Zhan Zhao had some surprises and asked Lin Ruo, "Why do you think it's the same person?"

"I don't think so, I asked someone to confirm it." Lin Ruo showed Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang some documents, "I asked some linguists, and according to the appraisal, there is an 80% probability that it is a single person who sent it."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other – Is Lin Ruo well-connected?

Just as he was thinking, Lin Ruo's cell phone rang, he picked it up, looked at it, said sorry and ran out to answer the phone.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang vaguely heard that he was pushing for entertainment.

Bai Yutang flipped through the detailed investigation materials, "It's very systematic."

"It should have been collected by someone else." Zhan Zhao stroked his chin and looked at Lin Ruo outside. The sun is shining, always smiling.

"Cat." Bai Yutang called.

Zhan Zhao turned back.

Bai Yutang pointed to himself, "Look this way, I'll be jealous if you look over there."

Zhan Zhao laughed, reached out and patted Bai Yutang's shoulder lightly, "He reminds me of you."

"This kind of thinking is not good." Bai Yutang had an opinion.

"It's not because of anything else." Zhan Zhao leaned on his shoulders and looked at the balcony with him. Lin Ruo didn't know how many calls he was answering, and it seemed like he couldn't get rid of it. He wanted to go but couldn't go, he looked like a student who was locked up...

"Good family background, good innate conditions, physical strength and intelligence, good personality, and many friends." Zhan Zhao folded his arms and defined, "It's just like you, someone who is too favored by God, right?"

Bai Yutang shook his head, "In my opinion, if God favors me, it is simply doting and arrogance. At least I don't have that kind of slick temper and good character."

"Sorry!" Lin Ruo hung up the phone and ran in, but he still had the phone in his hand.

Zhan Zhao asked him, "What do you need help with?"

The corner of Lin Ruo's mouth raised, "Sure enough, you're a smart person. Then what, it's better to meet by chance, are you free at night?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other - there has been no case lately and there is no need to work overtime.

"Why don't you call Jintang again, and I'll call my friends, and I will choose the venue?" Lin Ruo was very enthusiastic, "How about we have dinner and drink?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other and smiled.

"Are you interested?" Lin Ruo smiled.

"You want to have a party with your friends. You're afraid that your father won't agree, so pull us together?" Zhan Zhao asked him.

"Uh..." Lin Ruo saw that it was dismantled, and clasped his hands together to ask for help, "Do me a favor, I'm about to get sick from boredom at home."

S.C.I.谜案集第四集 S.C.I Book 4 aka Season 4Where stories live. Discover now