004; lucky

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SOON ENOUGH, APRIL FLEW by, and by the time the next morning arrived in May─it would be a new school year again. Even worse, at a new school. PK Academy. [ name ] enrolled a little later than other students, due to some personal reasons─meaning that he would have to join the rest of the students one month after the start of the school year.

What a nervous wreck he was the night before.

On the bright side, it's a new start to unveil the curtains on another year of memories to make, of chances to make long-lasting memories. In the case of [ name ] [ last name ], all his past school years just went by, and soon after it was only a distant memory.

Missing memories he'd so eagerly looked for, yet when he unveils a clue─nothing but disappointment would follow. Parts of his past were missing and out of place, and when he would ask if something happened, a definite answer would never come, nor would it seem anyone else remembers. Each time he tries to think of something, fragments of events would come to mind─but they would never piece up a full story. Instead, white static would cloud his mind, forming incoherent gaps in whatever anecdote he'd try to recall. As if he had specifically chosen to forget them.

Well, he does have memories of his first year at a different school.

A recollection of experiences that he'd rather forget.

During homeroom and lunch breaks, he would observe his classmates. He'd see the way friends would talk and smile, their joy so bright it would reap envy out of him. His eyes would look with aching jealousy, yet no one would ever notice it. Did no one ever even... acknowledge him? Why not me? He yearned so longingly for that clique everyone else seemed to be in if not that, at least a group of friends, and if there's nothing left in the barrel for him─at least a friend would suffice to his loneliness.

A sense of gloom loomed over him while he continued to ponder his thoughts. He shifted his focus to his arms that were extended forward. Staring only at the freshly-ironed uniform his hands had been holding. It felt like his younger and more naive years were just yesterday. Time was too cruel. Where did it all go? He wondered.

He stared out the window, letting out a bitterly cold breath.

A boy with a somber face, wishing to be blessed with the good luck of a thousand peonies. May the soft petals caress his crossed fingers.


Like a cliche chapter of a Wattpad fanfiction, [ name ] was currently getting ready for the first day of school. He showered, brushed his teeth, and ate his (cold) breakfast. Though, he may have finished preparing a bit too fast.

With thirty minutes left to spare, he paced around the hallway of his house, going back and forth, coming up with what to say to introduce himself.

'Hi, I'm [ name ]! Nice to meet you, kind classroom!'

He cringed, "God no! I sound like an NPC!"

From across the living, room, an eyebrow perked up.

"You scared on your first day, hon?" his mom asked.

It would be embarrassing for him to answer yes, he wasn't a child anymore. But his flushed face and tense stance could say otherwise. His throat closed up and his voice was husked, which rarely happened─even in the morning. The world was sabotaging him today. All the stammer and jitter within his movements caused a sigh to reverberate from his mom.

"It's gonna be okay, [ nickname ]." Hana reassuringly stated.

He didn't believe that. He started to rapidly remember all the times he messed up in school, small beads of sweat forming on his neck.

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