005; roses

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ALMOST BLINDED BY SPARKLES, [name] blinked repeatedly trying to take in the aura of this bewitching girl. Her beauty was beyond his comprehension─Venus herself would weep upon a single glance at her.

A smirk entranced her inner thoughts, 'It seems another one has fallen head over heels for me!'

Unfortunately underneath her ethereal and angelic appearance, was a nasty and ugly conscious. Dreams would be crushed if anyone were to hear of Teruhashi's most truthful self.

"Welcome to PK, [l.name]. I'm looking forward to being seatmates with you!"

"Ah yes... Likewise." he nodded

Glaring and envious eyes landed on [name], an ominous haze surrounding his frame.

It was scary.

He gave a nod and sat down on the chair. How posture couldn't help but be stiff from the fear of the wrathful fanboys.

'She's very nice and pretty... But I feel unlucky for some reason...'

If Teruhashi were a rose, her fans would be the piercing thorns that will pick anyone who came too close.

Or perhaps she herself was the thorn. Her vile nature was rather unpleasant for Kusuo to hear on the daily.

Of course, [name], nor anyone would ever see through her facade, except Saiki.

'You really are unlucky, [l.name].'


A few hours passed and it was already noon.

"Man, I'm starving! [l. name], you should join us in the cafeteria!" Nendou offered kindly, nudging the boy's shoulder.

"Sure, I'd be happy to!" [name] cheered, getting out of his chair.

He walked alongside Nendou, Kaidou, and Saiki ─ suddenly Teruhashi joined in.

She politely asked, "May I join you guys? I hope I'm not being pushy or anything."

What a pain this was for Kusuo. Not only was he beside the new student, but was also in between the most threatening student in the school.

A few stares shot at them, arrows shooting through their backs in either pure envy or confusion. What would ever make those three guys even worthy to stand beside Teruhashi? Of course, this only added more praise towards her, saying how humble and kind she is ─ even to people who are way out of her league.

A few gasps came from time to time from some onlookers, [name] had to get used to hearing so many ohs.

They all sat at a table, small conversations between Teruhashi and the two idiots every once in a while, with [name] awkwardly sitting on his chair. He was still wondering how this girl glows, maybe it's a bad idea to eat food beside her... what if she's radioactive?

"[l.name], I really like your cologne, what scent is it?"

He was caught off guard when the proclaimed goddess suddenly complimented him.

"Oh- uh- yeah... It's rosewater!" he sheepishly scratched his neck.

"Rosewater... I see. Roses are very beautiful... Everyone compares me to one, but I don't see the resemblance..." she pouted, putting a finger to her chin.

This girl... is dangerous. [name] sweated, he swore Teruhashi could start a war and she wouldn't know she was the reason.

"I think everyone says so because you're very pretty..."

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