009; prunus persica

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WHEN SAIKI KUSUO HELD [l.name] [name] in his arms for the first time, he was met with the very warmth from [name]'s body. He felt all of [name], the slow rise and fall of his chest, the beat of his pumping heart - all of it, all at once.

[name] was nothing short of human. Skin soft and full of life, with his [color] hair illuminating from the light seeping through the curtained windows.

When Saiki looked down at [name], he could've sworn he'd seen an angel, with a halo reflecting the afternoon sun.

[name] having just fell, was shocked - and it carried through his face. A flustered expression and eyes wide open. His surprise only made him more look like an angel - well, one that recently fell from heaven.

Good grief.

As he let go of [name], he saw the look of panic on his face.

And he wondered why [name] was so worried. His thoughts weren't ever loud, up until the moment he fell.

He carried on, shrugging it off. But something settled in his stomach. A worry, an aching feeling.

But then Saiki realized it was all nothing when he saw that same damn smile [name] always had. The one as sweet yet soft like coffee jelly, the same one he had the first day they met. Saiki turned his head away, wanting to keep that image.

So irritating!


"Good morning, Saiki!" [name] greeted.

It had become a routine for [name] and Saiki to meet at [name]'s house - and from there, they'd walk to school through a secret route - one only they know. It was a good way to avoid Nendou or Kaido in the early morning, or simply walk in a quieter area.

Furthermore, it led them through tranquil pathways, avoiding the loud and bustling areas that Saiki disliked. They'd discovered the street together, a haven of quiet in their otherwise bustling town.

As they went, the silence was their first companion. It was a comfortable silence, one that needed no words to fill the air. [name] walked alongside Saiki, his steps matching his friend's pace.

He told Saiki about the different flowers blooming in spring, though it was already near the beginning of summer. Tulips, crocus, hyacinth-they all bloom in the late spring. Saiki, still mostly silent, nodded along.

[name] appreciated Saiki's attentive presence, knowing that while his friend might not speak much, he listened.

[name], with a gentle smile, broke the silence by a public park they passed upon seeing a few peach trees in full bloom. "Look, it's a peach tree! I didn't realize they grew even in May."

Saiki would pause and look at it, his eyes reflecting the pink. Under one of the trees, there was an elderly lady with a kindly face, her wrinkled hands gently plucking the ripe peaches. She wore a white cardigan with a straw sun hat covering her gray hair.

[name], with no hesitation, decided to stop in his tracks and offer a helping hand. Saiki watched as [name] approached the old woman with a warm smile.

"Good morning, ma'am," [name] greeted her, giving a polite bow. "Would you like some help picking those peaches?"

The elderly lady looked up, her brown eyes wide with surprise and gratitude. "Oh, how kind of you, boy," she replied. "I'd appreciate the help."

Saiki looked over as [name] assisted her, soft-spoken and polite as usual. Remembering how clumsy [name] usually is, Saiki thought it'd be best to help him. He walked over and greeted the woman. [name] looked at him, and said, "Thanks, Saiki."

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