003; lavendars

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SLEEPING WAS ALWAYS [ name ]'s favorite activity. He liked sleeping on his wrinkled mattress, hugging tightly to his pillow as if it were a person, curled up. As his eyes would lay closed, he could escape to a different world in his dreams and forget about his mundane reality. The luminescent moon could shine its pearl glow on his [ complexion ] skin and embrace him with sweet dreams.

But of course, all dreams have to end, don't they? The obnoxiously loud phone alarm rang, the world staring back at the now-awake boy. His fingertips reached the device, the annoying sound leaving the crevices of his ears.

Lazily, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, a little annoyed as he tried recalling his daydream. Alas, he could not. Not a single fragment of that dream could he recall or remember.

He rolled off his bed, making a 'thud' sound. A pained groan escaped his mouth. The sudden contact with the cold floor made him shiver, goosebumps forming on the surface of his arms.

'I wanna go back to my bed...'

[ name ] counted mentally, from one to ten. the second he counted ten, he got up from the cold floor.

Stretching his arms, he looked over to see the luminous moon through his window. What time was it? Quickly, he checked his phone. 4:28 AM. All his sense of time lost itself somewhere, and he was gravely searching for it. He sighed, it was too early to do anything, none of his part-time jobs start around this time of day. He considered the possible things he could do at 4 AM, dozing off to an absent-minded trance.

"A walk, maybe..? Sure.." his voice was hoarse and came out roughly, gaps filling out parts in his words.

He walked along the hallways of his house, his feet landing on floorboards they'd been accustomed to over the years. He knew every nook and cranny that resided in his house─the pipes that leak, the scratched wallpaper─all of it, he's grown fond over.

[name] had gone to his bathroom, brushing his teeth slowly. He still felt weary, with arms that felt like jello. Rinsing his mouth, he returned to that hallway.

Before heading downstairs, he stopped at his parents' room. A family portrait hung on the wall, only to the left of the bedroom door.

It consisted of him and his parents, posed and dressed formally. He cringed, seeing his more child-like appearance back then─a lot shorter with chubbier cheeks. Aside from him in the middle, his mothers sat at the sides of the frame.

At the left was Hana, a doe-like woman, with brown skin and gray eyes. Her raven hair was neatly tied into a side ponytail. Across the portrait was her wife, Naomi. She had ivory skin and ochre hair reaching to her hips. All three of them had smiles that beautifully decorated their faces. They were beautiful.


It was a word too simple to describe the grace the two women held. Far too simple, yet it was the only thought that could enter his mind. He yearned for a better word to use. Hana [l.name] and Naomi [l.name] were their names respectively. Although, their son prefers calling them mom and mother.

A light chuckle let out of him, staring at the family portrait. His eyes went soft, reminded of his family.

[ name ] trailed downstairs, seeing the dark and empty living room. He walked to the front door and slipped on his dusty and old sandals─not caring he had socks on.

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