008; narcissus

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Saiki thought he would never visit [name]'s flower shop again. But for the plot's sake, he has to.

Once more, our favorite protagonist runs an errand for his mother.

Leaving the house, he walked to a part of his neighborhood he's only been to once. He'll be walking there again, for the same reason.

Kusuo heard the sound of pavement hitting his shoes. The sound of the flowing wind, and a few conversations of strangers he'd passed by.

He was walking to [name]'s flower shop, marking this day his second visit.

When he observed the sky, there were no clouds. It was clear-an endless expanse of blue that seemed to never end. Different, compared to the cloudy weather he saw the last time he visited this area. He did see the same old man walk by, this time with an old woman, presumably his wife.

He must like walking around here, he thought.

Ah. He's been dozing off for too long, and now he's reached his destination.

He looked through the windows, and saw [name] who was off in his own world. [name] was sweeping the floors. Like usual for him, business was slow-only one person came in today. He was fixing up the area, but ultimately was doing nothing in practice.

After strangely discovering that he and [name] were childhood friends, the two met up more at school. If the teachers had the generosity to let people share partners, Saiki would run to [name]'s side.

He likes [name] a little more than his other friends. Only a little though. [name]'s kind, quiet, and considerate. And also sort-of-maybe-kinda-cute.

He's still trying to figure out though why both of them forgot their past with each other. It's a real strange coincidence and it's been itching his brain since he met up with [name] that one family dinner.

[name]'s constantly on Saiki's mind, so in that way-he's still another nuisance, isn't he?


Another Saturday afternoon in an empty store. A rather frequent routine [name] follows.

Unable to do much, [name] went behind the counter and played some music on an old record player. Its sound was scratchy at first, but smoothened out as the song continued, the slow jazz rippling with the cracking of the groove.

He leaned his elbows on the counter and drifted hazily in his thoughts. Thinking about mundane things. What he'd eat later, if it rained, and so on.

He watched the empty street in front of him. Then his gaze turned to the bouquets, to the flowers being hung on the ceiling to dry, then to his various other floral arrangements. His eyes didn't have much to feast on as he averted his sight.

His eyes then met hot pink. Then, neon green, then magenta.

It was Saiki. His childhood friend, and current friend.

Unknowingly, a smile came to [name], "Saiki! Welcome back."

The psychic noticed his name being called, and he looked back at him. The door clicked behind him as he approached the counter.

"Need anything today?" [name] asked.

Saiki's eyes wandered around the flower shop. This was his second time visiting, and he remembered all the details from his first encounter in this tiny space. The cracked wallpaper, the stippled ceiling, and the aroma of cologne and fabric softener.

The scent wasn't all that new to him anymore, he'd gotten accustomed to it with how often he meets [name].

Saiki pointed at dried daffodils being hung from the ceiling.

gardenias; saiki k.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें