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Faith's POV

I quietly make my way in front of the old, wooden house late at night trying to make it to my room without making noise.

But of course, I stepped on the stair that always makes noise. Last week when I got home late I ended up getting kicked in the ribs. And let me tell you it hurt so bad I couldn't move the first four days but now I swallow two painkillers a day to make it through the day with a little less pain.

I heard footsteps from the kitchen and that was my cue.

I made a run for it to my room. I quickly shut the door and locked it instantly, letting out a breath.

"Open the door bitch!"A cold, drunk voice yelled out.

I ignore it and just make my way to my window where my dresser is. I couldn't find my cigarettes so my old vape had to be of use. I opened the window to let the cold breezy air of autumn inside my four-walled bedroom.

After a few minutes, I went into my bathroom washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I didn't have the energy to shower tonight since my painkillers were wearing off already.

I will just shower tomorrow before school.

I went to my bed and threw all my not needed pillows on the floor next to my pile of dirty clothes.

My room was chaos.

But I couldn't find the energy or will to clean it. It hurts to even bend down.

I went under the covers and right when I was about to fall asleep, my phone dinged. Ugh

I turned it on and took a glance only to see the contact name "Val<3"

Valentina Russo, my best friend since we were thirteen. I met her when she defended me from a girl that was bullying me, Layla. I was shocked because she was the most popular girl in school and she helped me, the lonely kid. It sounds so cliché but I don't care.

We then started hanging out in school, then after school and she moved for the summer to Italy where her home was. She came back thankfully or I wouldn't have forgiven her.

Val <3:

Hey Faye, wanna go to a party with me??Pleaseee,Dave already bailed on me


Girl, it's literally 1 am?? I'm already in bed and I'm not in the mood, my stomach hurts rn but if u do go have fun

Val <3:

Fine, but ill tell u all the drama at school tomorrow ;)


Ofc you will now go have fun love you,be safe and don't drink too much, please

Val <3:

Will do mom
Love you too byee

I slowly put my phone on my nightstand trying not to move my ribs too much for it to hurt. I quickly swallow one painkiller to make it through the night peacefully.

I didn't want to go to school but I had to or Josh would find me and punish me even harder.

I then closed my eyes before everything peacefully went dark and so did my mind.


I woke up due to the throbbing pain in my gut. It was my ribs. I then tried to find my painkillers.

Which I always lose, I don't know how anymore.

I quickly swallowed two down without water. Which became my new habit due to how much I use them.

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