ch five

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(Jane's pov continued)

It's been three months since I started talking with her.
And, the happiest 3 months of my life.
The number of emotions I could feel while just talking to her was more than I felt in the past 17 years of my life.
First time in my life I was so interested in one person that I could hear them say whatever they want for hours.
She talked about how her day went, how her brother was annoying her again, and how her day at school went.
Sometimes hearing her say, made me so jealous.
Why I wasn't there?
Why her days didn't fill with me?
I felt so jealous of all the people around her, that they can see and hear her all day. Touch her.
Every day I put my phone on ringtone, high volume, waiting for a sound that tells me that now we can talk to each other.
But why does it matter to me so much?
Why I was feeling, what I am feeling because of her?
What is this?
Confusion was engulfing me, tangling me, into a web of 'why?'.
But then one day a thought struck me.
And then I understood it. What these feelings are?
Now it feels so nice because I know what is happening.

I was sitting at my study desk, thinking about her.
Then suddenly my phone rang once.
I sprung up from my chair and ran toward the phone that was lying on the bed.
I opened Swapchat and saw it was from charvi.
Suddenly my cheeks start to feel hot.
I settled my racing heart.
Part of me was scared because she didn't reply to me back for the past 2 days whereas we used to talk every day.
She said that she was busy with school and that's why couldn't message me back.
I felt so relieved. I thought she got bored of me.
I said I was worried. Which I was.
And she thanked me.
Charvi thinks that I am a sweet girl.
Which is right.
But with the exception that I am only nice to her.

We were talking and talking when suddenly she said that a boy proposed to her.
It was so sudden that I didn't know what was happening.
But when I came to understand I started panicking.
What am I supposed to do?
Does she like him?
That was all going around my head.
I was so terrified, so terrified that my chest starts to ache.
It felt like I was having a heart attack.
Tears started to form in my eyes, which was so unusual.
But I didn't cry.
And in a short while, I started to boil in anger.
How dare someone take away my charvi?
How dare he fell in love with her?
I took some breath and asked her if she likes him Too!!
And then she said that it was a small child.
I fucking didn't know what to do.
I sat on my bed as I was standing the whole time.
And took some big breaths.
It was such a scary situation.
What if someone who she likes proposed to her?
What would I have done?
And a sudden realisation hit me
'i couldn't have done anything'
Suddenly in flow, I wrote that I had a heart attack.
And she asked me why.
And I didn't know what to say.
I couldn't tell her that I love her.
So, I just made up an excuse.
We talked for a little more until a maid came into my room, to call me for the dinner.
We used to have dinner in the evening.
Today I was having dinner with my father so I can't delay it.
I bid goodbye to her while the thought still lingered in my head.
I started to walk toward the dining area.
My room was on the first floor, so I needed to take the stairs to go to the dining area.

Upon reaching the dining hall I saw my father waiting for me.
He had a suit on him. (He always had a suit.)
I went quickly and sat on the chair next to him.
There was silence for a few seconds and then he suddenly said
"Why did you come late?"
I looked at him and said emotionless
"I am sorry."
We both looked at each other and then he started eating.
I also started eating.
Normally me and my dad usually not talk that much during eating.
But that evening was different.
There was silence, just the clanking of utensils.
Until I broke that silence. (Basically, I just drooped a bomb on him.)
"I....have found my eliya..."
I said slowly and calmly while looking toward my plate.
Suddenly the fork in my dads hand banged on the floor.
I looked at him, he was shocked.
His eyes were wide open, questioning if he heard the right thing.
I was just looking at him telling him that he heard the right thing.
"Whom?....when?" While putting his new fork down, He asked all three questions in one sentence.
I also put my fork down and gave all three answers in one sentence.
"She is a girl who lives in India, three months before, I met her in the chat section of a video and then we started chatting."
"So, you believe she is your iliay without even seeing her?!"
He said in disbelief while giving me a questioning look.
"I can feel what is written in the book. I am sure she is the one, I just need to see her once." I said with determined eyes.
Truly saying I was never so determined for something in life.
So, seeing the shine in my eyes father understand too because he had also felt this before.
He started cutting the meat on his plate with the knife.
And then grabbed it with a fork.
And placed it in the mouth.
He did this 2 to 3 times more and didn't say anything.
Finally, he put his knife and fork down and started to wipe his face with the tissue.
"So...what are you gonna do now?" He asked while putting down his napkin after wiping his face.
"I am going to India."
"And then?"
"I will make her fell in love with me!"
"And if she didn't."
There was silence for a few seconds and then a slight smirk arise on my father's face.
"Fine then.....Do whatever you want."
He said while standing up from his chair.
"But if she won't know what to do. At last, you are my daughter after all."
He said while snickering.
I didn't say anything.
And then he walked away toward the room in front of the dining room that was barricaded by two big metal doors one by one.
I looked at him from behind with a frown.
And started to make my way toward my room too.

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