Ch 9

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It's been one month since jane came here.

"Oyy! Charvi jane is calling you!"
Avni said.

"Ohh ya! Coming!"
I said while standing up from my seat.

When we first met I didn't know what to do or what to say.
We talked entirely our fate was made.
She told me how unbelievable it looked to her that she came here.
How much of a coincidence it was that her maternal grandparents lived in the same town as me.
On that day our roles got reversed.
That time she was talking and I was listening.
We talked for a long time.
I wanted to believe every word that was coming from her mouth.
And I did.
At least I tried.

"Hey! C'mon walk fast! Or else everything will get finished in the canteen!"
Avni said fastly.

"Yea yea! I walking fast."
I said.

We reached in front of the canteen.
And there she was standing.

"So tell. What do you guys wanna eat."
Jane said.

"Are you feeding us today!"
Avni exclaimed.

Jane chuckled a little and then said
"Yeah. Yeah. I am feeding you today."

"Ohh yeah, jane is the best!"
Avni said excitedly, jumping on jane to give her a back hug.

"When did they become so close."
I thought.
Avni used to be suspicious of jane, in the beginning, a lot.
But with time I don't know what magic jane did that everyone started to like her.
When I asked Avni about ut she said that jane is so sweet and kind and why wouldn't someone like her?
So am I the only one who is feeling different here?
Maybe something is wrong with me.

We ate noodles and drank cold drinks.

We were starting to walk toward our class when avni saw a friend of hers and ran toward that girl saying that she will see me in the class.
Now I was alone with jane walking in the corridor.
There was a silence that just persisted for a while until jane said something.

"Umm. Charvi."
She said while grabbing my hand from behind.

I flinched that probably was unnoticeable to her. I turned around and asked

She hesitated but then said
"Are you angry with me..about something?....did I do something wrong?"

She said with those innocent eyes that somehow made me uncomfortable.


"Then why are u ignoring me?"
She said desperately.

"It's just...nowadays I am a little tense regarding the practicals. And tomorrow is our biology practical so I am a little nervous."
I said looking everywhere except her eyes.

That was true though I wasn't lying. I was for sure very worried about my practical exam. I already told you nothing can make me as worried as my studies. My studies and my career is everything to me. I in a white coat is the reason for my life.
I can do anything about it.
And this time practicals are hard and my preparation wasn't at its best. So I was nervous like hell.

" will be alright don't worry."


And that was it. We didn't talk after that.
But then I thought something

"What comes in maths practical?"
I asked.

As I didn't have maths with me I didn't know that but jane had maths with her.

Jane looked at me with shining eyes. She was happy cuz I asked her something first. If jane would have a tail it probably would be swinging like crazy
"Ohh nothing much. We just need to complete our maths journal and give a viva on it."
She said.

"Hmm..lucky you,"
I said

She said again.

And now we already reached our class.
Throughout that day we didn't talk much.
I mean she tried to talk but I maintained a safe line between us.
A line that is maintained between two strangers.
Yes, we were two strangers....well at least for me.

But now I think about how long it was like this.
Because the day that I started believing her again approached soon.


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