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Now Julia was panicking more than before; she just found out that she was going to be a mother soon. There was a tiny little fetus inside of her as she sobbed into her pillow.

Kim was next to her, trying to calm her down, but nothing that the young girl did or said could stop her best friend from crying.

She couldn't be a mother, not right now. There were only a few more months until graduation.

She was already thinking of applying to a few colleges thinking of what her life would look like away from Hawkins, and now all of that was thrown out the window because of her carelessness.

Since age 13, Julia had in mind that she would marry someone from her college. They would share a few classes, but she wouldn't notice him until one day, they would bump into each other, and once their eyes locked, they would be inseparable.

He would propose outside their house in the backyard by the nice garden they both planted and had grown together.

Two years later, after their marriage, that's when she would give birth to her first baby. Not now, not like this, not with someone who she didn't love.

It was naive of her to think like that. When have things even worked out for her? What is she going to do now?

Finishing high school was going to be more complicated than before with this new obstacle in her life, but it was something that she wanted to do. Being a high school dropout was never in her plans, and she wasn't going to start now.

She was uncertain about the future, but she knew she would figure it out as she went; there was no other option.

"You know you have me, right? You are not alone in this," Kim said softly, interrupting her thoughts.

With puffy red eyes, Julia looked at Kim "thank you because I don't know if I can do this alone." 

Julia sat up, moved her head, and rested it on Kim's chest. Kim hugged her friend, and with her fingers, she slowly brushed her hair.

Inside, Kim was freaking out as well, but what good would that do having both of them being a sobbing mess. She needed to stay calm at least for a few more hours.

It was a change of dynamic. Most of the time, Julia was the reasonable one, the one who knew how to resolve the messes that Kim created but now it was her turn to be there for Julia.

There was nothing that she could do about the baby; she couldn't go back in time and prevent her friend from complicating her life; the only thing she could do was to be there for Julia.

Who knew; maybe this was a blessing in disguise or something along those lines. She wasn't sure at the moment it was all new for her.

"How about I cook something for us while you rest," Kim said as Julia was close to falling asleep.

Julia opened her eyes fast "no," she said simply.

"What, why not. You enjoy my cooking."

"Kim, you got diarrhea the last time you cooked, and right now, I can't deal with that too."

Kim moved from the bed, making Julias head hit the bed "ow, Kim," Julia said, holding her head, sitting up on the bed.

"I didn't get diarrhea," Kim said, sounding offended.

Julia raised her hands in surrender "how about I cook, and you help me."

Kim placed one hand on her hip "but I pick what we are eating."

Julia smiled, "deal."

Without missing a beat, Kim quickly left the room and went to the kitchen.

Julia got out of the bed and looked down at her stomach. Slowly she moved her right hand and gently pressed it on her stomach "hi," she whispered alone in her room.

She couldn't rewind time, and even if she did, would she have done something differently. That was a question that would stay with her for whoever knows how long.

She was in the present; the only thing she could do was to move forward and think of a way to tell Steve.

He was something else that she needed to worry about. Not only is her life changing forever, but so is his.

Would he yell at her. Would he even believe her? She could show him the test. She scrunched her nose, thinking about it. That might not be the best way to tell him.

That was a problem for another day. She had school on Monday, she was going to see him that day, and she had two classes with him.

Is school the best place to tell your somewhat friend that he's going to be a father? Not at all, she couldn't go to his house, that would be weird.  Maybe she could-

"Julia, I'm going to start cooking if you don't bring your ass over here," Kim yelled from the kitchen.

"Don't you dare," Julia yelled back.

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