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Without wasting any more time, the group went into the mall from the back door.

Julia walked with one hand on her hip. She felt a sharp pain from her lower back going all the way to her side but continued walking behind the group. The pain only lasted a few seconds.

Her mind stopped focusing on the pain when it came back for a second time when she saw several men with guns walking toward where Steve and the others were hiding.

A red car that was displayed at the mall started shaking the alarm going off. Without a warning the car was thrown at the Russians.

The car crashed on the other side of the mall, the man unmoving on the floor.

The group walked down the unmoving escalator.

"You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel," Dustin said excitedly as he walked toward Mike and El hugging them.

Steve lightly pushed anyone that was on his way as he made his way to Julia.

"Julia," he said with relief, hugging the young girl.

Julia wrapped her arms around his neck; the pair shared an awkward hug with her stomach in the middle.

She thought she didn't have any more tears, but it was proven wrong when tears ran down her face hitting the back of Steve's shoulder.

"Hey, I'm okay. We are okay. What's wrong." He rubbed her back, moving his hand in a circular motion.

"She's dead," she said through tears.

Steve let go of her wanting to see her face. He rested his hand on her jaw and, with his thumb, caressed her cheek.

"Kim," she answered softly; he didn't have to ask.

Steve's heart broke for Julia; he knew how much Kim meant to her. He couldn't imagine what she was going through; he was also mad at himself for not being there for her sooner.

He just wanted to hug her in his arms and never let go of her. He wanted to protect her from all evil.

He wrapped his arms around her once more, knowing how much she needed the hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," he said, his chin resting on her shoulder.

"How are you feeling," he asked, breaking the hug.

"I'm fine," she lied, looking at him through her teary eyes.

He quickly scanned her face and her body to see any big injuries. She did the same to him and saw how bad his eye looked and how he had dried blood on his lip.

She gently caressed his cheek, "I'm fine," he reassured her, placing his larger hand on top of hers. He didn't want her to worry about him. It would do no good to her or the baby.

They both were lying to each other. They were not fine things were far from it.

"Are you two lovebirds done talking," Dustin said, not too far from the teens.

The rest of the group were catching up on what happened the last few days. Some of them were meeting each other for the first time.

Without thinking too much of it, Steve intertwined his hand with hers as they walked to the others. Their hands were perfect for each other.

Julia missed the familiar feeling that Steve made her feel when he was close to her. She felt calm and safe, but her peace was interrupted when Eleven started grunting in pain.

Mike yelled her name with worry as El continued to whimper. "What's wrong with her?" Asked Erica to no one in particular.

"My leg," El was able to say, closing her eyes in pain.

There was something inside the young girl's leg. On the low part of her leg near her ankle, something began to move.

The group surrounded El as she lay on the floor, Mike near her was holding her in his arms.

"Keep her talking," Jonathan instructed and ran away to find some tools.

"Hey, hey, hey. Stay awake, stay awake," Mike said, looking down at El.

Julia hugged Steve's arms as she looked down at the young brunette girl. There was nothing she could do.

It was evident that El was in a lot of pain by the way she gritted her teeth, wrinkled her eyes shut, and whimpered.

"It's, uh, you know, it's not actually that bad. There was a goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the bone came out of her knee, six inches or something. It was insane," Robin rambled, trying to help.

"Robin," Steve said, looking at his friend.

"Yeah?" She looked back at him.

"You're not helping," he told her simply. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

Jonathan was back with a wooden spoon, a knife and gloves.

"All right, El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" He told her as he kneeled.

She nodded, "I need you to stay real still. Here, you're gonna want to bite down on this, okay?" He handed her the wooden spoon.

Jonathan took a few deep breaths, his hand slightly shaking, "Do it."

He hesitantly made a cut on Eleven's leg.

Nancy looked away. Lucas and Dustin couldn't look away; they were disgusted but intrigued.

Max looked at it hesitantly, sad to see her new friend in pain. Julia wondered if birth would be that painful.

Jonathan put the knife down and inserted his hand in the cut. He moved his hand around as he tried to look away.

After a few seconds El couldn't take the pain; he wasn't helping her either, "No! Stop it! Stop! Stop! I can do it," El yelled while sitting up.

With her powers she got the part of the mind flayer out of her leg.

She threw it far away, yelling with so much anger.

The small creature moved but didn't get that far as Hopper stepped on it.

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