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"Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana, a wonderful place to grow up, to raise your family, to walk your dog. But then, on July Fourth, everything changed. A terrible tragedy struck this small town. But this was not this small town's first brush with tragedy. Mysterious deaths, government cover-ups, a bizarre chemical leak. Is it all linked? All a vast conspiracy? The fault of a disgraced, corrupt mayor? Or is something more going on in the heartland? Can a town itself be cursed? Some believe a rise in Satanism is to blame. To find out, tune in tonight at 10:00 p.m. for "Horror in the Heartland" on Cutting Edge," a news reporter said.

Steve got up from the small uncomfortable chair and got the control remote, lowering the volume from the small television that was displayed on the wall.

Julia and Steve had been in the hospital for the last two days. After the events that took place on July Fourth, the doctor advised Julia to stay in the hospital until she gave birth.

They explained to them how she wouldn't make it to her last two weeks. The baby was going to be born earlier than expected.

It was for their own safety to stay in the hospital. If anything happened to Julia or the baby, doctors and nurses were only a few feet away.

"Do you want me to get you anything," Steve asked, getting closer to where Julia was on the bed wearing a hospital gown.

She was on bed rest until further notice, "I want you to get this baby out of me," Julia exclaimed, exhausted. Her body was in so much pain.

She was also tired of staying in bed. There was not a lot she could do. The only time she could move was to go to the restroom and then back to bed.

Both of her arms rested on her huge belly. It grew more than before; she didn't know how her body was able to stretch this much.

She wanted to have her baby in her arms and go home.

"I'm not qualified to do that," Steve responded with a soft smile. "Is there anything else?" She shook her head and gave him a faint smile.

Julia looked away from Steve and stared at the white wall. Sadness overwhelmed her as she had not been able to attend Kimberly's funeral.

It took place only a few hours ago she wasn't allowed to go anywhere. Kim died too young. She had her whole life ahead of her. There were so many things she needed to do and see. Kimberly was going to start university in the fall. Her best friend didn't get the chance to meet her baby.

Steve gently placed his hand on her thigh "what's wrong." She closed her eyes, "I miss her," she whispered. He walked around the bed so he could face her.

Steve knew how bad she wanted to be at Kim's funeral. "I'm sorry you couldn't be there, but we can visit her grave once you are out of here and feel better." He held her hand, squeezing it lightly.

She looked at him and smiled, her lips lightly quivering. "I'd like that." He leaned in and cleaned her tears with his thumb.

Julia was in pain emotionally and physically, the only thing that Steve thought of doing was to distract her for a few minutes.

"What's your favorite song," he asked.

They had known each other for almost a year, and he still didn't know the basic information you typically learn about someone early on. She looked at him, cleaning what was left of her teary eyes with her hand.

She shook her head and let out a laugh. Julia was unsure why she laughed at his question; it simply came out of nowhere. He had that effect on her.

He had forgotten how beautiful her laugh sounded.

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