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Knowing that the others were in the Upside Down, their only way of communicating was through the lights. They were going to use Holly's Lite-Brite toy.

The exact toy that she was calmly playing with. Julia wanted to think of another way to communicate with them, not wanting to bother the young girl, but time was running out.

Julia picked Melody up.

Lucas unplugged the toy. "Hey!" Dustin ran towards Holly and took off with the toy. Lucas got the extra pieces and ran after Dustin.

"For your understanding," Erica handed Holly a chocolate bar.

"Holly, I'm so sorry this won't take long," Julia said apologetic.

Melody dropped a monkey Animal cracker at the young girl's feet. "Ehh," Melody said and grinned.

Julia got the backpack from the floor. Melody handed to her mother her toy. Julia took the rattle.

On one hand, she was carrying a lot of things. She was holding the rattle, the bag with what was left of the Animal Crackers, and the shoulder strap of the small backpack. After she got her stuff, Julia went up the stairs to Nancy's room, where the others were setting everything up.

The toy was plugged in, Lucas was near the outlet. "We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Stand by," Dustin raised his voice.

"Yank it," he said, directing toward Lucas. The young boy pulled the plug.

Julia kneeled down next to Dustin. The Lite-Brite toy was on the edge of Nancy's bed, and the lights were off.

Melody moved her little hands forward, wanting to touch the toy. Julia gently pulled her back, holding her from her side.

"Try it now," Dustin said loudly so the others could hear him from the Upside Down.

The room was quiet as they waited for a reply. After waiting for a few minutes, the toy lit up. First, there was a long straight line.

It was working.

The teens and Julia smiled. They were astonished as the toy lit up, spelling the word 'hi'

They later found out the others were stuck in the Upside Down, and they couldn't go back up through watergate.

Dustin being the man with a plan, told them how there was another gate they could go through. There was a gate in every murder site. They had agreed they would meet in Eddie's trailer.

Melody squealed everytime the toy lit up. Steve could hear his daughter.

Her voice was faint, far away from him, but he could still hear her. He had been gone for just a few hours, but he had missed her adorable face.

As the others were getting ready to leave, he got closer to the bed in front of where Nancy had communicated with the others just a few seconds ago. With his index finger he moved his hand a bright glow surrounded his finger. He spelled his daughter's nickname.

He didn't have a lot of room to work, so he wrote the first three letters, then underneath them he spelled the other three. Once he was done writing the last letter, he heard another squeal followed by the word 'dada' "Yes, it's me, Mellow," he said even though his daughter couldn't hear him. He moved his hand around the tiny sparks making the toy glow brightly.

The father-daughter interaction was cut short as they had to depart. They couldn't waste any more time. Soon they would be reunited again.

There were many adults downstairs guarding every door. It wasn't going to be easy to flee from Nancy's house. The only way was to escape through the window of the second floor.

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