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Julia grabbed an IV pole and swung it, not hitting Kim but making her take a step back.

"Kim, I don't want to hurt you," Julia said again, her lips trembling.

Kim focused on Julia, glaring at her with hatred. The person that was in front of her was no longer her friend she once knew.

"I'm sorry, Kim." She strikes Kim on her shoulder, hearing a crack. Julia's mouth hangs open in shock. She tried to tell herself it wasn't her Kim.

Julia moved a few steps back and slipped on a poodle of blood. She dropped the IV pole and steadied herself with her hand against the wall.

Julia's heart was beating fast; it felt like it was going to pop out of her chest at any minute.

While Julia was distracted Kim extended her good arm toward Julia's neck.

"Kim," Julia was able to say weakly as Kim added more pressure.

Julia's feet were a few inches above the floor. "Help, please," Julia choked up.

There was nothing in arm reach for Julia to defend herself. She didn't want Steve to find her like this if he ever finds her.

Weakly with her hands Julia tried to push Kim away, but Kim was stronger.

Julia didn't want to die without trying to defend herself; she couldn't do that to her child. She pushed and scratched Kim's face, but it did nothing.

Then when Julia thought she was going to take her last breath, Kim was punched in the face by something invisible.

Julia didn't have enough room or force to hit her that hard.

Kim was taken back, and dropped Julia. The short girl's nose was crooked, and the side of her mouth had black blood.

Julia's back was against the wall as she coughed, trying to catch her breath.

Kim's face was covered in black veins around her nose and lips.

Another strange force slammed Kim in the head. "Kim," Julia blurted, shocked, as Kim's body hit the floor.

Kim took slow breaths, the lights stopped flickering quickly, and the area became darker. Kim took her last breath, staring at Julia.

A few seconds later, Kim started to grunt in place, her whole body shivered.

Her body began to melt; Julia only gaped, petrified, as Kim's body turned into red lumps of goo.

The slimy substance that once was the body of her best friend slitter away.

Astonished by what was going on in front of her, Julia could only do one thing and follow it; tears ran down her face as she does.

At the other end of the hall two more melted bodies connect together. Kim's is the last one to merge.

A large monster was created with several legs coming out of it. The lights go out for a second then the emergency lights come on.

The monster was fully formed, its mouth was open as he growled, showing its sharp teeth.

The monster opened its mouth and growled at Nancy.

Seeing Nancy and Jonathan at the scene, Julia knew the mind flayer was back.

They weren't safe after all. It was back, and this time it took Kim.

Nancy was the next target as the monster moved her way.

From the other end, Jonathan produced a loud sound wanting to get the attention of the monster, while Nancy ran away, having difficulty pushing a door open.

Julia was stunned. She shook her head, looking down "she didn't know. She wasn't supposed to know," she cried, whispering to herself.

Julia never told Kim about the supernatural things that happened in Hawkins; she thought she was keeping her safe away from all of that.

And now she's dead.

Kimberly was gone forever. She didn't do anything to save her. She was mad at herself for staying frozen.

When would she be brave?

How could she be a good mother?

"It's all my fault."

Jonathan limped to her "Julia, listen to me," he said, holding her shoulders.

"Julia, come on," he said a little louder, unable to get her attention.

Nancy was running out of time. She was in real danger. Jonathan wanted to be there for Nancy, but he couldn't leave Julia on her own; he needed help.

"She's gone," it's the only thing that came out of her mouth.

"Julia, the kids are here. I need you to go with them," he tried again, this time getting her attention.

She blinked her tears away. "The kids," she asked softly, touching her stomach without realizing it.

Jonathan smiled, happy that he got her attention. "Yes, they are here. I need you to go with them. I need to help Nancy. Can you do that?"

She nodded, cleaning her tears. Kim was gone, and she couldn't let anything happen to the kids.

"Good, they are on the first floor. Go as fast as you can. We need El."

He ran after Nancy while Julia went to the elevator and clicked on the button with the number one. She hit her head on the metal wall and closed her eyes. She hugged herself as she started to shake in place.

She felt weak and useless. She couldn't protect Kim or her baby.

The elevator doors opened, and she bumped into the kids who were frantically clicking on the buttons, eager to go and help.

By the look on Julia's face, they knew what was going on wasn't pretty.

The kids hopped in the elevator, and Julia with trembling hands, clicked on the right floor.

Within seconds they got out of the elevator; Eleven being the first one, ran towards Jonathan and Nancy.

Mike and Will weren't far behind.

Lucas was slowly walking near Julia. Max stayed behind with them.

"Julie, are you okay," Lucas said to his older friend, sounding concerned.

Julia was walking slowly, her shoulder against the wall sliding her way.

She looked pale; her eyes were puffy from crying, a bruise was forming around her neck, she could barely keep her eyes open, and she was out of breath. It looked like she was seconds from fainting.

She forced a smile as she said, "yeah."

Lucas looked at Max for help. The young redhead shrugged, not knowing what to do, and whispered, "she doesn't look fine."

There's was commotion at the end of the hall where everyone was.

The monster shrieked loudly, making Julia's head snap towards the front.

Eleven yelled and with her powers, threw the monster out the window.

The kids go out of the room and run back toward Julia, Lucas, and Max. Lucas helped Julia wrapping her arm over his shoulder, and they walk. They went outside the hospital to check the damage.

The monster had changed its form and went down the drain.

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